I was never really fond of this screenshot I took, but bs angel (Hawty McBloggy) from halo3screenshots liked it enough to include it on her site.
i think it looks like bungie needs a tune up lol.......... but i don't really car for it... its dull boring and has bad graphix also tell haloscreenshots to fix there site.... i believe it's screwed up
My point exactly. I see no real appeal in this screenshot. I posted this to get other people's opinions and see if there's something I am not seeing, or if it really does suck. I think it's a matter of personal preference, really, but opinions are always nice.
I honestly don't see any appeal in this. It's just a plant at an angle. The focal is indefinite and the quality is meh. She has interesting taste if this is one of her favorites.
She doesn't post her favorites, she posts interesting, unique stuff. Maybe she doesn't like it, bu she knows someone does. Anyway, it isn't that bad of a shot, but, as everyone else is saying, it's nothing to get hyped up over. Blue can take better shots than this.