This is going to be my entry to the wonders of the world contest. So far i am completed with the entire figure and now must work on the cloths that hang on him and his hands holding a torch and bow. Hh is a giant statute in the middle of sandbox and has a crown with 5 points on it. i am paying attention to all details on the statue including his hands and feet being as realistic as possible. Right now i can not upload pictures from my xbox because i cant get connected to xbox live but i do have a picture of what it is going to loock like once finished (sorta) some of the maine differences is that his his feet are together and head is turned the other way and his arm is going more outward. No one knows for sure what the Collossus of Rhodes looked like since it was destroyed in an earthquake a long time ago. OK i have some Pics now but they are bad quality because i used my camera phone to take them since i am unable to sign in on xbox live at the time. Pretty much all i have to do now is finish his drapes MOAR PICTURES recent: I re-did the torch hand and edited the lighting plus i added in s'more drapes the torch is now more like this one:
Very cool. I think it's a great choice for the contest. I like the fact that it's half man half building, lol. It looks like a lot of detail will have to go into this. I will be looking forward to seeing how it comes out. Again, great choice and I have high hopes for this submission.
Wow, you picked a tough one! You seem pretty confident so far, so hopefully it does end up looking good. I'm struggling on my entry so far, but maybe I can pull it together and finish more then two sets of stairs...
I can picture this going two ways either really bad or really good. I don't think there could be an in-between. You say that his head is turned the other way, his legs are together, and his arm is going more outward. I can see a few problems with this. First the arm. If it is going straight outward that is a problem. If you think back to the ancient times there would be no way they could make it strong enough to suport a arm going straight out. That may take away from the "realisticness" and lose you some points. Second the legs: The one thing I really liked about the picture is that the legs are apart and are standing on buildings. Putting the legs together will make the man/sculpture look to much like the the Statue of Liberty and will cause the sculpture to look too skinny and compact. Finally make sure you pay very close attention to the scale. Nobody likes a man with a tinny head, huge arms, and weird legs. Overall, I really like the idea, I give you the best of luck. I am being a little harsh because I really want this to turn out good for you, and I want to make sure you get everything just right, and I'm sure you will. I'm always a huge fan of sculptures, and a well made one on sandbox will be a sure win.
soh what i meant by the head being turned the other way was i meant it is looking in the direction of the bow more than at the torch and looking down. also the arm is still held up high it is just a little more out that the picture. The legs i made together more not all the way because i did research on the statue and they said that if the legs where spread apart across the harbor like some thought it was then the harbor would be blocked for the many years it took to build the statue which would not be good. The statue was at the enterance to the harbor most people say and i wanted it to be more realistic so i made its feet closer together and on one building. I have also made a game of KOTH for the map which involves bouncing all over the collossus to get to the Hills.
Oh ok. Ya that makes a lot of sense. I didn't do any research I just went from the picture you had and my previous knowledge of ancient structures. I hope it's as awesome as you are explaining. I look forward to seeing it when it is posted. Also I'm not sure if you are able too, but if you could take some pictures, maybe by camera, that would be cool.
oh yeah i was thinking that but they wont be to good since i only have my camera on my phone but i will try Some pics are now up
I think the arms need to be a little bit longer. But it's ok if you don't want to re-due all of it again. Other than that, it looks really really good. good job, can't wait.
Thanks, i just worked on it a bit more and i made the arms a bit thinner so they look a bit more proportional. plus i added in some cool efects with lighting and fx filters. MOAR PICTURES recent: I re-did the torch hand and edited the lighting plus i added in s'more drapes