heres link for v1 REMEMBRANCE V2 this is beta prevew: map subject to editing i Have Not fully tested new gametypes added to the map: (odd ball) (king of the hill) IMAGES NOTE completly redone shotgun area shotgun has been moved to regin, and regin to shotgun area I will do more testing for new gametypes and spawns release date (jan 2010)
needs lots more testing it needs a lot more testing to be relased you dont wanna be playing slayer or odd ball and some one spanws right nexted to you
have you noticed that halo 3 friends list = empty? all BC of MW2? theres no one to help me test but like 3 people... so I MUST test extensively. the FINAL release date is jan, first, 2010 "learn to spell" why insult me for mistyping a word(s)?
Don't tell him to test in a day. MSG, you should do what you're doing right now and take your time on the map. Test until you feel it's perfect as it can be. What's the purpose of the grav lift in this picture?
its part of a lift system for sniper tower it just so happined to be seen in this image : form mid to top sniper:
First, I would change that double grav lift area because it would be risky to cross because you have to concentrate and you stick out. There's not even much reward when you cross.
i see what you might mean but that was only in v1. iv fixed it were you dont have to "cocntrate". you just walk on the first lift and it takes you all the way to the tower and not trying to get to the 2nd gravlift