Hello, I am GR4V3mind117. Or just "Grave" for short. You probably know by now of Rifte Gifle's Asset Gametype. If you haven't, I would highly suggest checking it out now. Due to it becoming harder to find Asset maps, I have taken it upon myself to build a Database filled with all of the current asset maps since they are rather tricky to track down. So I give you The Asset Map Database! Asset Canvas by GunnerGrunt Asset Canvas Alphabetical by Name Spoiler Christmas Asset - luckiesnipes Desert Highway - jakob hunter Downfall - BigdogII7 Escallation - Darksoullll Grounding - winendine69 Installation 07 - Maxp0095 Last Bird Out - rifte gifle Lost Dunes - nuvnuv123 Monolith - rifte gifle Monument - Xang ONI Hillside - Devil95 Power Core - steve 11thselby Premise - winendine69 Protocol - rifte gifle RidgeSide - Ell3ment & GunnerGrunt Rocking Squid - Vergil the Engineer Sandstone Plaza - ROFLninja Slips Alley - Sarge's Ghosts Voi. - meltyourtv *Alphabetical By Author Coming Soon* If I missed any, please post here with a link to the map.
Your Missing Perilous and Restricted. Restricted by Devil95 and Perilous Made By Devil95, Carpy 17 and MaN1C K1LLA 93. Hmmm.... I think I saw a database by Rifte Gifle. Yup, he does this post is useless.
I think he just made a suggestion for one here, but I might be wrong because I do remember seeing some type of Asset Master List. However, I find this very helpful with all of them in the same place. Really nice work and continue updating this thread with new asset releases.
LOL you literaly took every single word from the Asset guide/map data base and put it on here. Use search bar, brewski. requests lock