Foundry S7S Hybrid v1.4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Doughnut221, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Doughnut221

    Doughnut221 Forerunner

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    My map is called S7S Hybrid v1.4. S7S basically is just what i put in front of the names of my maps; to make them unique. This is my last foundry map; all future projects will be on Sandbox. This one I started two months ago and have redone the wall three times. It was fine the way it was, but the bases used alot of bridges, and the first wall design used 8 bridges. Now the wall uses no bridges, but leaves me with very few walls, making the map a little less detailed that the others. This map was built with a well flowing game in mind. Many parts of the map could be much more detailed, or more complex, but games are a far better experience with the simple design i used.

    I got the idea for this map by taking an old map of mine, duality, and deleting the back wall. I then built the two corners in the back and started to build off of the old maps' boundaries. I soon was frustrated with the maps' design. It called for bridges along the walls that i didn't have. I deleted all of duality and rebuilt the front-side wall to make an octagon shape.

    8x Battle Rifle
    4x Carbine
    4x Frag Granade
    4x Plasma Grenade

    Base (B-Side)

    The Centerpiece


    Let me know what you think!

    Download link: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Doughnut221, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's alright but theres nothing that is gaining anyones attention like there are no real artitechual structures that apeal to people.

    Like all of your structures have been done or very simerler. it's not gaining much atention.

    Weapons 8 br 4 carbines not much of a weapon choice add some short rane weapons for close combat.

    can't download 100 limit
  3. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hybrid looks very well thought out, and certainly well executed. While I tend to agree with David in regards to weapon choice (since it's not an MLG map, it could probably use some more variety), the map does have it's own unique look to it though the extensive merging. In terms of design, I'm really happy to see that you've filled the map up well; while most maps of this style are certainly classy, I find they tend to be a little too open. Here, you've done a great job of filling in your working space to create a comfortable map.

    Overall, nice work :D.

  4. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    8 battle rifles and 4 carbines? I can only presume this map is made fo SWAT.. if so it would be helpful if you said so.

    Apart from that it looks like gameplay will flow well, but there is nothing that particularly stands out and makes you want to download it. Nevertheless, I will download and it and i may give it a go with a few friends. I'll get back to you soon.
  5. Doughnut221

    Doughnut221 Forerunner

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    I just finished the map yesterday, and will be updating upon your feedback soon. I don't want too many weapons, because even though it is not an MLG map, a want it to be a map there is no camping on. Therefore i dont want alot of weapons on it. It seems i may have to add a few though; what weapons would make this map worth downloading? (I'm already putting a mauler near the bottom of the tall side base.)

    Also: Thanks alot for the downloads; very much appreciated.
    This is my frist time using forgehub and i'm not sure on the details of downloads.(Can you all download off my fileshare?) Can someone fill me in. Feel free to send me a FR on XBL, ill be in forge most likely, just send me a party invite.
    #5 Doughnut221, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  6. MaxpOO95

    MaxpOO95 Forerunner

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    Nice map! It is very neatly made. I actually think this would make a great MLG map. And the pics do not cover the whole map, so if one part is assymetrical, I think it would be cool to fix it and make an MLG version, because the Layout is pretty good and Doesn't look exactly similiar to most of the MLG maps made today.
  7. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i could swear this is a MLG map, i've played something ridiculously similar to it with the same layout. except the lower wall mid section is different and the bases look like two blocks have been moved around.could you upload a picture of the one middle section you DIDN'T show? because the bottom of what i can see of it looks uncanny and similar. and the map i'm on about is a proper MLG map on the MLG playlist and the bases are IDENTICAL to the ones seen here apart from there is no hole at the back
  8. itsmebiff

    itsmebiff Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmmm i like the layout and everything is all looks nice, the center piece could use more of a creative feeling it looks a litle to boring. and btw i think the bases need some changing they resemble too much of the bases on Ldown but thats just me idk... but good map overall maybe some changes in to the future 3/5
  9. jujumonster

    jujumonster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The wall on the left side of the first picture looks a lot like Lockdown's.
  10. Doughnut221

    Doughnut221 Forerunner

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    Yes, I certainly agree with the comments about the similarity to Ldown, but I was 70% done with the map when i realized that it was THAT similar, and didn't want to waste 18 days of my life on something i was just going to scrap.

    I will upload a pic of the other side base soon. (Within the next day probably) This is my first post; not very skilled at it.

    The wall is not very similar... It is the same shape yes, but that is almost like saying the amplified wall and the onslaght wall are the same because they make the map square. The wall I made, as long as I made it, and I promise you I made it, is perfectly fine being the same shape as another.

    After looking at Ldown, I realize I wasn't as efficient with materials as I could have been, making my map a little less detailed than theirs.

    A big difference between the two maps [trying to defend myself here] is that the one I made has a centerpiece. And although it is very simple and does not appeal to you like some may, it functions just as well if not better than any other. With the ceterpiece, the map is filled in very well, in a perfect balance of never having to worry about not having cover and still being to see across a map from multiple locations with varied lines of sight.

    A 2nd revised version of the map is in progress, i plan to release it sometime before christmas.
    Also, my 2nd map, Monolith, is soon to come. I see it being completed in Mid-January. [Foundry - Better Design - New Wall]
    #10 Doughnut221, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  11. RAYBO

    RAYBO Forerunner

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    I watched donut make this map and it is insanely similar to lockdown but i watched him make the walls and bases. i this its an amazing map im going to make a video walk through of the map so check back later!!
  12. oO HYPH Oo

    oO HYPH Oo Forerunner

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    Nice map, very cleanly forged
  13. Doughnut221

    Doughnut221 Forerunner

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    Thank you.
    Getting alot of negative responses about this map, but Version 2 is going to rid the map of most of the issues it currently has.
    Needs more weapons.
    If I had posted the map under MLG it would be amazing. haha
  14. oO HYPH Oo

    oO HYPH Oo Forerunner

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    I agree with some others to redo the side bases, I like them, but they just seem pretty familiar comparing them to some other maps, otherwise i think its great
  15. Friskyyyyy

    Friskyyyyy Forerunner

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    I would like to personally congratulate you on being a complete douche bag and for stealing Lockdowns corner wall and base designs. You realized 70% through the design that it just so "happened" to look like Lockdown? Yet, you recognize Lockdown with surprising ease, so don't bulls*** the community here by stealing part of a map and making a few slight modifications and then calling it your own, unique design. Plagiarism exists even in the electronic/virtual world, so if you steal part of a design, at least have the balls to hone up to it and give the original designer props and recognition.

    I can only assume your next map, which I anticipate will have a lot of plagiarized material in it as well, will inevitably fail. Your map suffers from some major flaws as well in its design. Your center structure is far too large and covers nearly 60% of the map, leaving the bases and the sides of the map extremely claustrophobic. Normally, I wouldn't rip a community member apart, but karma is a b****, especially when you steal things and don't hone up to it. No one just happens to design a map that looks like Lockdown.
  16. RAYBO

    RAYBO Forerunner

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    @ Friskyyyyy, dude before you start to " rip " on doughnut, like i said before i watched him make this map. And i bet you if you did a side by side comparison to lockdowns walls and this maps walls their would be a CLEAR difference. Now a days it hard to come up with an original Foundry map idea, so their may be some similarity in design, so whats the big deal if it looks like it, he did not steal or copy any thing from lockdown. Plus we haven't seen any maps from you, so stop acting like a forge god and as the good ol' sayin goes " if you aint got anything nice to say don't say it at all "( unless it constructive criticism, witch this is not).
  17. Doughnut221

    Doughnut221 Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot for the support.
    No thanks to Friskyyyyy; until we see you build a great map don't go around thinking your opinion matters to anyone.
  18. Friskyyyyy

    Friskyyyyy Forerunner

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    Someone who makes maps is always going to be biased about their opinions as opposed to someone who is an objective thinker. I am not calling you a bad forger by any means. You're additions are well done, however, the similarity is too great for it to be called unique. Sure, nothing is ever original these days because almost everything has been done before, but you cannot deny that no one just builds a map that so happens to look like half of Lockdown. At some point, you knew that it looked way too much like Lockdown. I am not going to argue semantics, but the map is too similar to Lockdown for me to not assume you stole Lockdown. I play MLG everyday, I have competed in events, and I know Lockdown. The placement of the walls and fence boxes and the bases are nearly identical from what I can see in the pics. And while you may have someone watch you forge, objective thinkers and readers will not believe that because you don't let randoms watch you forge, only friends and forge buddies. That being said, a friend will always get your back, even if you are lying beyond all reason (not saying you are). There is just too much bias for me to believe anything other "witnesses" say.
  19. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Frisky, what's your problem? How can you prove that he stole lockdown just based on YOUR thoughts? If you really want to prove that he stole part of the map, take your own screenshots of both the maps, compare them, and make a statement. Don't just start flaming angrily.

    Back on topic...

    The map looks fantastic, in my opinion. And although I hate to agree with Frisky, the center is rather large, making the bases seem quite small. Of course, that's just another matter of opinion.
  20. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is a MLG map ? If yes it go in the MLG map section ! Your base are cool and the midle are great to !

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