Stadium Cross

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Goldman 01, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Goldman 01

    Goldman 01 Ancient
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    made by goldman 010 and halokiller1247 (somewhat)

    I am back with a new motocross map to begin your winter break from school. I have been inspired to make a motocross map and here is my first attempt. This map is filled with tons of jumps, rhythm sections and even a rock hill. But when i was done with the map i wasnt happy with it soooooooo i added a huge roof over it which made it 10 times cooler and really helps the lighting effect. This map is made for all around racers so its not that hard but not that easy.
    i hope u enjoy it as much as i do. :::::::note i couldnt get any overview pictures cuz there is a dome in the way duh but trust me u will like this map.


    the start (yes the mongooses on the right are gold u are not seeing things)

    1st rhythm section

    2nd jump with small bump (sorry i couldnt show the 1st jump its way small)

    finish line jump and 4th jump

    last rhythm section (sorry i couldnt show the rock wall but trust me its cool)

    in case u missed the dl here it is again

    #1 Goldman 01, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I glanced at the pictures and downloaded this because I like a good supercross map (and because I have xbl again =p). I would have to say this is my favorite to date. The jumps work perfectly, and the turns are pretty easy as well, even without banking. It took me a couple laps before I noticed the roof. I was like "oh snap." I guess it makes sense with the title "Stadium Cross," but it is still pretty freakin cool nonetheless. The rock wall was surprisingly smooth, and didn't disappoint aesthetically. It would have been nice for an uncheatable destination since we all don't play with honest racers :mad: but I guess I'll hafta live with it. The only real suggestion I have is to knock the late spawn time down a notch. I know the downramp spawns in time with HT rules (second destination start), but for the rest of us, it doesn't. Overall, it's a great track with amazing flow and is a fun alternative to standard racetracks.
  3. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Just Dl'd and this map really is extremely smooth and fun to race on. The ending jump was a little starnge for me, however, only because the rest of the track was so smooth but then you decided to make a bumpy finish. But overall every jump's length was accounted for and I had nice and smooth landings. I would like to see more motorcross maps like this-smooth and enjoyable.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is very nice. I've never been one for tracks like this, but it definantly scores in my book. I'm gonna test it and get back to you. :p

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