no problem when will you be on, o and im starting my next asset map to finish this series up for now and ya its gonna be epic lol
I dunno why, but Half-Life 2 popped into my head when I looked at this. My only complaint however is the fact that it feels like there's not enough structural protection for the asset. Most asset maps have a room or two that he can hide in. Otherwise, the forging is great, and it plays pretty well too. Oh, and someone managed to grenade jump their asset into the ship somehow when I played.
hmmm youll have to show me how becuase many people have tried before and noone evr has gotten up there and as for the cover goes, there is plenty of cover as long as you play it all right, the ramp going up stairs being a major one but the main cover is how i lined up my lines of sight on the map theres always a break in the line of sight for the covenent so they cant just unleash all hell on the asset, if there was any more cover trust me it would be too easy for the defenders thank you for the comment though =] ok well i hope to play this with ya soon *happy face*
i cnt dwnload the map atm due to me alredy having too many maps. But does the ship spawn after a while? or is it there from there from the start