Note:Inspired by my friend, kya eman! The Freezer! Welcome to "The Freezer." Enjoy the HARSH and COLD climate, your about to see! Lets begin, shall we... Overview Outside of Freezer Factory where the Freezer is located Gametype:Play Map:The Freezer Enjoy!
Obviously obvious. Is it just a stupid freezer and he already knows that. Any gametypes? Anything besides the freezer. You don't have much of a description so be specific.
This is pretty plain and has been done before. To add to it you should make multiple different rooms and areas with more aesthetics in them to make it stand out from other maps like this.
To Simple This map is to simple. you can easily do this yourself, and on other maps, they have access to this and other hiddenish locations. Score:4 of 10 To simple, but kind of helpfull for people who don't know how to do this or dont want to.
Ill draw the freakin Line. THIS IS NOT A MAP There is barely 1 to no items on the map and hes juts inside part of the damn map. There is no rating to be had here. And Finally there is no point.
Wait... so you got into the freezer using a machine gun turret and your posting that here for us to download because we can't do that ourselves in a matter of minutes of turning on the Xbox?
I have done that before in Forge. That's where an Easter Egg is located. The Easter Egg is only there on holidays. Either way, it is a cool hidden area.
Guys, guys, settle down, guys. He obviously put a lot of hard work and effort into it. I, for one, fully support this gesture.
There's a lot more "secret" areas in long shore I wish there was more maps on long shore because I think i would really like it if there was more levels made on it. But this map could try and put it into a actual level, I feel like your just showing off you found this area. There's that hot area on longshore maybe make a HOT VS COLD (redvblue) or something because its not really a map from what I can see the way it is at the moment.
This is pointless. I think most of us know about using machine gun turrets to get into secret rooms. maybe put something in it or put spawns in the other secret room on longshore and have maybe an assualt like gametype.
Lol this is cool you found this area. but right now i doesnt have enough umm... substance, to be a proper map. I would add some cover and some space in between the cold and the hot area.(A reference to WWWilliam's comment) In fact this might actually be good as the blue spawn hive or blue first territory in a conquest map, am I right?
Yeah, you could easily just use this as a part in a Conquest map or something. IDK, it'd be better than this. I've gone in and out of there many times by myself (and DLed a map that the guy forgot to remove spawns from inside there [it was a racetrack type thing] and half the time I end up in there ) Maybe this could give you an idea: Float a box double or whatever that colorful open thing is near the freezer and float another near the hot place Then, add a reciever node on channel 0 for the freezer floating box and again but channel 1 for the hot place's box Go into the freezer and put a sender with channel 0 Go into the hot place andput a sender with channel 1 Add weapons and spawns inside the freezer (spawns set on defenders) Add weapons and spawns inside the hot place (spawns set to attackers) Put some weapons in the floating boxes Make the rest of Longshore play-ready for gametypes like Slayer, Infection, etc (no spawns, spawns are already done inside the freezer and hot-place) or just make it ready for a different gametype (that you made and it's balanced). Viola, you have a map!