The issue I/we have is that you rated it the lowest you possibly could without actually playing the map. ... Also consider that LIGHTS posted ~ 2 minutes after you, so it is likely he had not seen your reply.
easy there partner im not angry or anything.. just trying to get you to re-think the way you judge feature-worthy maps. There's a lot of maps worthy of being featured, and in due time I'm sure they all will. Don't fret if you see a featured map that you don't particularly agree with because there will be a new one in the next day or two. But you are right, this little debate should end and this should stay focused on the map. Apologies for getting a bit off-topic.
you caught me! how did you know!!!! btw, if I could take the rating back, I would...see I have had a weeee bit to drink tonight, and rated it low simply because of the dissapointment factor...please excuse that... thank you lights and yay for understanding
Not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that has been said, but... That doesnt necassarily mean it is an ideal map. Yes switches is a hard thing to fathem, and an even harder thing to incorperate into a map, but it isnt a sign of a good one. Its just a feature. I am pretty sure that Loyal is higher than Premium. Premium may be something you earn by bieng a great forger, but Loyal is something you are given for being a shining example. If i had the choice i would much rather Loyal, even though there are only a few Premium members. That is reasurring info Shock. I assumed that we would be seeing a map just about a day from now on, which is great. If you think back to the start of the 1v1 tourny, that was a hell of a long time ago. Since then we have not had maps featured at the usual rate, meaning there are alot of ones out there that may have deserved it but not got it. There is no harm in releasing an old map. And now my two cents. I have only played a forge through of this map, i havnt played it competatively (yet) so i can not comment on that, but i can still talk from the comments i have seen from people like Shock, and Cosmic, which i trust will have similar opinions to mine, so. By comparing the images and the comments, this looks like a very under-rated map. It looks like you focused on the gameplay aspects more than the aesthetic aspects, which is a very nice thing. The only problem is that this cannot be shown in screenshots, so no matter how nice it plays, people who havnt played it will have completely in-valid comments. I am very proud of the lift mechanism you have incorperated, few can add mechanisms into thier maps so gracouslely as you. What does make me wonder, is that there is little complex interlocking taking place on this map. I know you as a very experienced forger, capable of pretty much anything. Some of the scenery i see is a little simple and almost looks thrown together (even though i know it isnt). To conclude, this is a very high quality map. Not from its screenshots but from its gameplay. I recommend this to anyone looking for a highly competative and fun objective based game.
Thanks for that, Matty. About the 'switches': The elevators here are only useful in a few instances. When you use them properly, it can be incredibly gratifying. However, they aren't an integral part of the map. I'm sure the feature-choosers know of maps with far more interesting switches than this one. I think Loyal and Premium are equal... I just wanted to have no rank-bar for a little bit. The aesthetics aren't amazing, mostly because I hit the item limit far before I was done (objective points and spawns take priority). And yes, I promise that this map plays well for objective games. Matty, I'll send you an invite if we throw a game together on this. And to any future nay-sayers, I compel you to find me a better symmetrical objective map of this scale. I'm sure they're out there. I'd like to see them.
As far as gameplay goes, I think this might play a little better that Kentucky Tango. Maybe; it's a close call. Regardless, pictures just don't do this baby justice. Download it, do your forgethroughs to get a feel for the layout, play it, and then come back and comment on it. That's my suggestion to you all. Logical concepts FTW!!!
I remember when I joined your game and this map was right in the planning stages. It ended up turning out great. Many fun games were played on this map. Congrats on the 2nd feature, by the way.
Oh man. I remember testing this when there was a random wraith tank on the top of it. Lol, it didnt do anything, but people always got in it to make noise. Great Map.
Hey Cosmic, I just wanted to know if you could describe the elevator system you used to put into the map. It would be a great help in explaining the whole map. Nice map btw.
There's a pretty good layout set forth in the original thread if you want to look through there. The pics are broken, but the links should still work. In any case, it's just a pair of crates that are manual-grav-lift operated that take you to the top floor quickly (less jumping/running required). Hope that helps.