This is a thread to post your favorite armor combinations, as well as post what kinds of other armor you can think of. To start of the thread, i'd like to tell you that my favorite armor is a Scout Helmet, with E.V.A. shoulders and a hayabusa chest. If you would like to post a pic of your armor, go ahead. Also, pictures (hand-drawn or computer generated) of armor you can make up would be a nice addition for your post if you are making your own armor. Also, if you want, you can post your favorite weapons, equipment, vehicles, and tactic. (and anything else.)
my fav armor is rouge head, recon chest, and right arm is recon and left is security i'll try and upload a pic for u if i can yo also check out my post on terminator a screenshot that i took and tell me wat u think
Well, I am very sorry if it has, but I tried to check if it was done before using search. Also, it surprised me when I check back at this. I didn't think there would be any new posts in it yet.:happy:
yea me too except most of the time i wear just 1 peice of recon like mabbe just 1 shoulder or just chest or just helmet i like to mismatch the armor i have it on another account called KADE13