The Barbarian I started work on this track back in August, but got bored forging it. It sat for a month before I touched it again, and after an hour of forging, I was bored yet again. Then, after I was banned in early November, I decided to start working on it, in hopes to finish it before Christmas. So, here it is. My roller coaster hybrid. The Barbarian. I wanted to create a roller coaster that didn't have the unknown variables that others have. Everything is determined by driver skill. The track itself has no bumps that will hinder Mongoose control. The small jumps work every time, and you will land the huge jumps perfectly 98% of the time (an average but not an estimate). So, with the smoothness you expect from me, combined with the extremity of a roller coaster, The Barbarian yields a competitive single wide track that is Battletracks compatible. But smooth =/= easy. With S turns, drifting banks, off cambered portions, and huge jumps, The Barbarian is sure to make you keep your eyes on the prize. [bungievid]102586882[/bungievid] Special thanks to ShArPxShOoTeRv2, Apocalypse2605, bam3214, T7 Konvicted, and Very Sneaky Sir for their inspiring roller coasters that motivated me to make my own. Many of their ideas were expanded and used in the making of The Barbarian. So, with that, I present to you my latest creation. I hope you enjoy it as I do. Happy Holidays! The Barbarian
Amazing. We need more Interlocked racetracks. There are hardly any and this just put all of them to shame as well...
WHY?, WHY must you make such cool tracks/coasters? the only real thing i dont like is that its single wide, but, i guess there are some drawbacks to a big giant jump. keep it up shaddo, dream and yourself will always be the best track masters.
Dude, no one says that anymore. I saw this map a day ago. I hate that one turn near the wood board. I always got nerves and drove off and Died. It could be longer, i mean come on 40 secs. I made one that last 2 mins. Not really well forged though. Anyway, I totally see this being Featured, Well Done Dude.
I loved this track when I first tested it. It was intense, and incredibly difficult. I fell of of the first part almost 50 times before I completed 2 laps in a row. That's still my record. :/ Have you made any changes since testing?
Wow, a roller coaster map i like! It looks very smooth and it looks like it has some crazy jumps, you should really make a map with a great backflip...
Um wow. This map is so much different than some many other race maps that only focus on the same pattern. They were really cool in the beginning, but now we need tracks like this-a Barabarian. It definitely deserves a name of that epicness because these high looping turns and rapid downhill bolts are actually insane. I really commend you on not just this masterpiece but every race track you've made in the past. Another great map Shaddo!
It's actually 59 seconds... I don't know where you got 40. No. I haven't had any breaks or other problems reported, yet. Thanks, everyone, for your feedback. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Don't forget to try out Battletracks if you get bored with ffa racing. Edit: There is also an Easter Egg if you are into that sort of thing.
I've never been a big fan of tracks, but this one looks like it has some nice presentation, and a very smooth track (the use of shield doors is amazing!) Honestly, I think that the obelisks look a bit...simple. And might I ask...what canvas you used?
Really? I liked how the obelisks looked. Or else, I would have used other items that wouldn't cost as much to block that part off. I use the OLN Canvas by Cosmic Rick and Devinish, but I delete everything except the spawn points.
Nice work as always Shaddo. This is my favorite Roller Coaster to date. You and Bam make the best ones. I love the smooth banked turns and awesome drops. When I was taking the last drop, I said to myself while I was in the air, this landing is not going to work, it can't be smooth. Then before I knew it I landed smooth as a butterfly! You arranged those shield doors perfectly. The only real suggestion I would make is next time put up some lights. Like some red or maybe blue ones merged into the track. Most roller coasters in real life have funky lights all over the place. Other than that, I don't think I could do better myself. Great work 4.7/5
This map has everything! A huge drop, a huge jump, not to mention the fact that it takes up almost all of Sandbox! 10/10+Download
Thanks, I do have blue lights above the outer parts of the track to increase visibility. I didn't want any lights too close to the track though, because they can be blinding, which hinders the drivers. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah, I saw the blue light. I was mostly suggesting to merge the lights into the actual track itself. I dislike when you can see the actual light bulb. I try to hide all the lights on my tracks by placing them a certain way, or just merging them inside a box so you can see the glow of the light but not actaully see the bulb itself. Besides that, the track was sweet and has been added to my collection of cool Roller Coasters.
I've played this map, and it was realy awesome. I liked the huge jumps realy much, and the sharp turns were also verry good. The hardest part was de turn just before the first gravelift jump and the gravelift jump itself, I just easy fell of the track after that jump. =]
Finally, a map that actually challenges me. No other race map has hurled me off the track so many times and still made me want to keep trying. Anytime I have a party who want to race I use this. It's great fun because now I've experienced the track I can complete it with relative ease while other people are falling off more times than I can count
Heh, I played this track when you told me to get my lazy ass of Modern Warfare 2 to play it. So I did. I love everything about it and IMO, it's very well forged. I haven't fallen off once and that first drop almost made me **** myself. The best roller coaster track out there. Make moar of these nao. P.S. Nice use of that spike grenade. Made me laugh.
this track was great! after falling off 300 times i finally made a couple laps straight. Oh and thanks for inspiring me to make my own rollercoaster
The DL link has been changed to the newest version of the track which has added shield doors to the final landing. It has worked 100% so far, so redownload if you're sick of getting stuck or asploded. Also, there is a new easter egg since some people thought the last one resembled male genitalia. I still don't see it, but w/e. Pinocchio still lives. Or, actually, doesn't...