I was agreeing with you by giving more methods they could employ. Until they do however, piracy in my opinion is the best method.
Yes, and the world would be great if I could eat the food before deciding if it was worth paying for. That is one shitty argument.
YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD AN APPLE. food is not software, you can not copy and paste food. you're right, the world WOULD be great if you could eat the food before deciding if it was worth paying for, but it isn't realistic. "That is one shitty argument."
Not valid to the OP. Most organic food you can "copy and paste" per se. Fruits and vegetables have seeds in which you can regrow, animals have sexual organs in which they can reproduce.
it's cool you got all philosophical and metaphorical there and it was clever buuut my point: food isn't software. If you purchase a sandwich, you can not install that same sandwich into multiple stomachs. But imagine...
Lol, what side are you on? Are you for or against pirating? I personally buy songs that I love and then I promote it like crazy to my friends and the promotion grows. But yes, I believe piracy is bad, picture you work a 12-hour day and your money from that day is divided and split up through a crowd, in the end you get a dollar. You did so much work and wasted your time and you only get a percentage of what you should have received.
When I play a game that is an experience that can't be returned, much like "eating an apple". If your argument is that because it is possible to copy games, you should, it's lazy one. Regardless, the only true solution to this problem is to design games in such a way that they can't be pirated. But I do doubt that will ever happen.
it doesn't matter which side i'm on, just that food comment made me lol at its irrelevance. i love piracy, it's so hilariously easy BUT if i like something enough i'll buy it to support. I don't pirate games, i only care about a select few of them anyway. (sorry, i don't care about the success of a food, it will always be needed regardless. i cant get over that stupid analogy...). I'm pretty sure i returned a game to best buy once. And that isn't my argument for the topic at hand, it's my argument for your retarded tearing down of another persons argument. FOOD =/= GAMES. that went over well with Spore.
Lol at spore convo in this. Hackers just worked even harder to "stick it to the man" when they were told it's impossible. As for pirating anything, it's always wrong, but it doesn't stop anyone does it? I know it's wrong and I will admit to pirating games, but only for the computer. I support Xbox 100 percent and I do this in hope of them developing a more stable Xbox 360. We all know what I mean. No moar RROD, ever. If I really like a computer game I'll end up buying it. Otherwise I usually stop playing it after maybe an hour or so.
First, this isn't much of a debate. Second, nearly every post in this thread breaks a debate forum rule. Third, more than half the posts are about photoshop and other ****. Sorry OP but locked