Well for the sake of MM i hope (no matter if your S2 or S3) you have a shield. Regular SPI armor can take what 2 plasma bolts, basically supped up ODST armor. And no in the books the S3's never wore Mark 5 armor. Also Tom and Lucy are prior to Kurt's group so they were not augmented the same way. What Kurt was talking about on the SPI armor side is, it can't take alot of damage. Hence why almost all of Gama squad (or w/e it was called) on onyx was instantly destroyed by the sentinels. Mark 5 armor has sheilding technology so they can just bully through **** like that. But SPI you have to be stealth about what you do.
Fall damage was a great thing. Ever notice how most maps in halo 3 aren't very vertical. Int Halo CE, a lot of the maps were vertical and they worked well. Thats because someone couldn't drop from the top floor to kill someone on the bottom floor. They would die upon hitting the bottom floor.
I see the trend that ODST had fall damage and a shift to halo one style of things.. reach should drive in a much needed halo 1 feel with fall damage i think.
I think that halo needs more of a tactical multiplayer, however i know people also like it the way it is so maybe re-innovate hardcore into actual tactics like a real game plan, not like MLG where its O WERE SO GUD LOOK AT US BR4SHOTFTWSOC001. Also since Reach is a story set up as a team right? Team work would make sense. What im saying is, this new hardcore would have like fall damage more realistic and if you take a couple shots and you will die. things like that... im not really thinking clearly atm so if you dont understand what i mean i dont blame you.
still though.. that does fit in his theory.. and i actually think it would make a rather mint campaign.. they like to give teasers like that.. remember the halo 3 trailer? it had a bubble shield, dual wield SMGs, the massive portal.. Its all stuff that was in game.. I think they might be doing the same as their last trailers..
which makes it all the more possible that at one point in the campaign, you get to fly your squad in one of thoses sexy things : )
Okay so they confirmed Spartan III's in game. But after further pondering, remember when they get in that Hawk (or w/e it will be called) The commander says i like your skill but you can leave that lone wolf stuff behind! And seeing as how Spartan III's work in groups, can it be safe to assume your a Spartan II (hince lone wolf) working with Spartan III's? That would be a killer twist (and i know Microsoft said step in the boots of a Spartan III in that one conference) but S III's don't work alone. Unless your some sort of prototype S III with more Mark V armor than SPI? Idk either way i am excited, but i hope Bungie doesn't do this game too Infinaty Ward (don't get me wrong i love COD but COD does not belong in Halo). Having a more hardcore type of playlist that makes it like real life is a good idea, but i don't want the game to be bases around that. ODST was alot harder due to the fact it was like real life. But Spartans (no matter what model) are supposed to be "More than Human" so dieing as easily as a marine or ODST would make the game suck.
Is there somewhere that says its the opening scene. I am just wondering if its us thinking that or bungie actually said it. I thought it would be a couple missions into the campaign.
yeh, it says it a ton of places. Its definitely been confirmed from the start that its from the opening cutscene. real-time, in game graphics.
I'm gonna side with the haters on this and concede that the cinematic wasn't shown in real time. I've never experienced any cinematic on the xbox that looks remotely like that. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I have to say that it just looks too good to be rendered in real time by a 360. EDIT: and to be fair, Bungie has been very specific in saying that it's "in-engine", leaving out the "real time" that others have mistakenly added.
I saw an interview somewhere where Marty (i think it was Marty) hinted towards there being some filters or lighting effects or whathaveyou thrown over it or something like that, but that it was in fact ran right off the engine. Though, it should be said that a game engine's capabilities and an XBOX 360's capabilities can most certainly be different.
Ok, thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't running around tellling poeple something that wasn't confirmed.
Shishka claimed it was real-time in a thread I believe I quoted earlier in this thread (i think). But then again, Shishka also said it wasn't Brad Pitt's voice.. and Im not sure I believe that yet.