Well the halo 3 elites look badass, you never really get to see one roar, but after that final blip of the video i have to say. Freaking sweet, it reminds me of that short video that you got if you bought the halo 2 mappack. It was a vid on the ODST's that crashed on the beach of new mombasa. Still im confused. I thought (due to knowledge of books and online) that elites had to be higher than regular skill (blue elites) to weild swords. It's kinda an honor thing. Only special ops, ultra, and ship captains use swords. Ultras have the honor of using 2 (or the arbiter via halo wars.)
how they look isnt near as exciting as it is just to get to fight them again. Finally, no more bullet sponges
yeah really goddamn it. Finally, an enemy with intelligence. Brutes just get shot, then roar, then get headshotted
Since its spartan threes, anyone think you will have active camo like the arbiter had since their SPI armour had it.
Actually, that MS Press release has been contradicted by another press release shortly after (I think it was team XBOX or something like that) which said they were SII's. So right now, its still kinda up in the air.
well, that doesnt look that much like SPI armor.....I'm thinking spartan threes re outfitted with the more expensive mark V mjolnr.
thats true and that their armour doesn't really look like SPI armour. But it would be cool if they did. To above. your right about it not looking like SPI armour but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work out if spartan 3s wore mark 5 armour. I don't think they would be able to use it. The SPI armour was designed for them as the mark 5 was designed for spartan 2s.
Kurt wore SPI ... as well Mark 5... I think you need to add into the idea that Kurt made the SIII's similar to Sii's just different drugs to do it with. So bungie could change and say it is possible for a S3 to fit into a mark 5 ... wouldnt' be to far fetched as they are infact spartans. ... but w/e.
SIII's can most certainly fit into mark V's.....i don't know where you people pick up these ideas. The procedure for making SII's and SIII's was nearly identical.
Well, Kurt downgraded. Downgrading is usually easier than upgraded. For example. An ODST can do work in regular armour (Downgrade) but if you put him in a Mark 5 (upgrade) he kills himself. I also thought I saw something saying kurt couldn't do certain things in the SPI armour as well. I probably remember that wrong though (gotta hate concussions, memory goes to ****). Is there an instance in the books were a spartan 3 uses mark 5 armour?
I really don't think you need to worry yourself with accuracies per the books. Books:Movies :: Books:Games
The difference between an SII and an SIII is virually nil. The difference between an SII and an ODST is enormous though.
hmm kinda gravedigging my mates theory.. but the only thing someone said was that someone said "is that everyone who survived pegasi?" which apparently shat on my mates theory.. however, it doesnt at all if you read his theory properly.. the two spartans are actually discussing the mission, which is locating the two "missing" spartans.. Tom and Lucy.. which is why that guy is shocked because out of 100 spartans.. id be asking "Is that all who survived pegasi" too.. i still think his theory is right.. i just dont imagine bungie would make a games hero, a heroine, in something thats built around an 8 foot tank of a man..
Well, plenty of the augmentations are different between them. But it really doesn't matter. We'll find out when bungie tells us. Has there been any info on the health system that will be used?
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