ONE WORD. MODERN WAREFARE 2! (2 ACTUALLY & A NUMBER ) Is anyone as annoyed as me by the MOD2 system were you must be in game chat? This goes against the whole point of party chats, I dont think games should be able to interfere with the xbox system. Im pissed by joining partys were absoloutley everyone is in game chat and yes, all playing MOD 2. Anyone else annoyed by this?
They made it so that you can play as a team. Good idea. Just go into ground war. You can have your mic there, and that's normally what I do.
Use the search option next time before making a thread. Otherwise, I personally don't mind it. I don't see negative sides or positives of this being in the game, but it's nothing too major in my opinion. I'm glad that the use of party chat is allowed in Ground War and is the only play list that actually can benefit from the party chat being allowed.
Everytime I have to listen to these disguisting, racist, and down right idiotic people, I loose a part of myself. I TRY to play coopertavily(sp?) but everytime I try to talk some "badass" or 12 year old say "shut up (insert deragatory term here having to do with either race, religion, or sexual pref.)
Unlike most of you, I found a lot of cool people to talk with in ground war. Once in a blue moon some guys are having a race war or something.
I was playing MW2 awhile back and these guys started talking trash to me. So I talked trash back and after awhile we came to an agreement. Not sure why, but we became friends and now me and their group rag on little kids that like to swear and use racist remarks such as the N word. It's all in good fun and some of the conversations are hilarious.
You're lucky, all I usually come across are the idiotic people who just talk **** about their own teammates. It's not much of a help, besides who uses teamwork in Team Deathmatch? Usually everyone just runs off and does their own thing, sometimes you work with a partner, but not usually.
I know! I'm not really bothered about the party chat ban in certain playlists - I usually only talk with people who i play with.