Foundry Gauntlet

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Zanderman227, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. Zanderman227

    Zanderman227 Ancient

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    Hello, Zanderman227 here with a respectable map made not by me, but by a very good friend of mine.

    I literally made this account no less than five minutes ago, so please excuse any newbie behavior. I have read the terms and such of course.

    Also, please let me know if the map name was already taken. Didn't look into that...

    MLG Gauntlet

    I've been a big fan of Forgehub for a while now, just never had a good reason to make an account until now. And also by newbie behavior, all I meant is that this post is going to be very bland... My apologies... Really...

    But here we have it. No banner or anything of the sort, just six screenies of a very good map, which is SUPPOSED to be MLG compatible, but it will obviously need testing as I'm not sure if my compadres have the right spawn times, and I think there MIGHT be a stray Needler somewhere... Right... We'll fix that soon if it's true...

    First. A quick overview.


    As you can see, there's a lot of fusing, and it's all pretty neat if I do say so myself. Next, on to the two symmetrical red and blue bases.


    You can sort of tell right off the bat it was meant for MLG...

    The last three pics are just some clever features made out to the side to add some variety. You would have to ask my friend as to the original purposes of them all. Gamertags will be posted soon, they do not have FH accounts yet.


    That one was on blue base's side.

    These last two are of the same structure from two different angles on red base's side.


    And there you have it. MLG Gauntlet. A VERY old map that was never released to the public. Bit of a shame, really. That's why I'm here.

    DOWNLOAD MLG GAUNTLET - : Halo 3 File Details

    Released on Forgehub with the full permission of two great guys...
    -J Breezy540

    My gamertag is Zanderman227, and this map needs testing.
    If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to acquaint myself better with you.

    I think the only thing I forgot was to make an introduction in the, well, introduction forum... But I don't think that's required, so I think that about wraps it up. If I did miss something important, my apologies, just let me know what it was.

    Zanderman227 out...
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Everything looks perfect. Welcome to forge hub!

    So, here comes the basic review:

    The map is well constructed, with very few bumps and whatnot. It looks great for CTF as well. One thing I noticed is that you souls the map was very old, which seems strange considering the ghost merging. And if it's not ghost merging, then you're friend has a lot of geomerge skillz. Let him know that I like the map, and will give it a test!
  3. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks great. And if you need testers send me a message or FR over XBL (GT- UNiBoTx) and I can probably get some other people to come join.
    #3 The Unirocerous, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2009
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    It's all nicely forged but you may want to think about flow of gameplay and movement in your next map. There are way too many jumps and some of the lines of sight are too open. Plus, Your spawn look like they are not in good placement at all as far as I can see.

    If you have any questions about flow and such send me a message I'll try and help you out.

    I see that you used the stair + power up that I had used in my featured map martyrdom. :-D
  5. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A nice map. There aren't too many major problems, but as said before overall map flow is disrupted by the abundance of jumps and open lines of sight across the map.
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Don't forget, to be an MLG map, there can be no movable objects. There are barrels, so you might want to get rid of those. : )
  7. Zanderman227

    Zanderman227 Ancient

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    Hey guys, all of this sounds great. There has always been complaints about the spawns and I know all about the gameplay mechanics mentioned from the small amount of testing I've been active in, glad it's been reaffirmed by people outside our circle.

    Also, I did not know about the "no movable objects" rule, though I've always noticed the lack of them... heh... I'll fix that when I can.
  8. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks good, great forging. only a few things 2 work on.
    1: in 1 of ur pics i saw some objects that cud b moved arround by a player, those rnt aloude. :p
    2: in the front of the bases u shud merge some doors in or somthn? so u dont have 2 walk all the way arround to the side, most mlg maps have 3 ways of running a flag or entering a base. Ex: pit, longhall, training, rocket tunnel. ons: a street, b street, mid.
    and just my own opinion on this next 1, maby u shud incorparate the back of foundry u made impossible 2 access with the doors in the doorways? cuz its a pretty big camping spot if ur up in ts or if its ons flag settings and u wana hide the flag, some extra entrence points might help.
  9. Zanderman227

    Zanderman227 Ancient

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    Hey, thanks Verve. I decided to check out some of your maps, and although some just weren't my style, I found myself liking MLG Presence quite a lot. In face, I gave it a download and I plan on playing it with some buds quite sometime soon. Nicely done, simple and complex just as you so aptly pointed out.

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