ok Ive seen lots of them posted recently. They appear to be really popular to, Ive searched forgehub and cant find a definition. Theyre called asset maps and I was wondering what the objective of one is/what is it?
Asset: basically if you've played ODST you'd know about Vergil Aka the little bomb thing that is by your side at the end of ODST. It's a V.I.P mode. Asset has 3 modes. Asset Long, Asset Holdout and Asset Escort. Holdout basically build a base and camp there waiting for the hornet while the covenent attack you. Escort: Sorta like the Halo 3 campaign. Run to the finish. I haven't tried long yet. Check out here to learn more about Asset in Rifte Gifle's Words. Check here for some awesome inspired Asset Maps!
Im pretty sure that Asset Long is just a version in which the hornet spawn is much longer (320 seconds instead of 180)
Asset Long is the same thing as Holdout but the gametype has been tweaked a little to make games where the hornet or escape vehicle drops in at a later time like 5-6 minutes. An example of a map that would support Asset Long well is Ridgeside. You can still play Asset V2 with it, but it's recommended that you use Asset Long. All of the maps in the master list that Devil95 mentioned support the Asset V2 gametype and that is why they are on the master list.
So let me get this straight. Its a longer version than V2. So I made a map that has a 6 min hornet. So it should support Asset Long Right? Dude, If you need any more help go to gifle.
Do Not Read If You Have Not Played ODST, It Will Give Away The Ending, And Ruin The Whole Mystery That The Game Is About Figuring Out. Spoiler In ODST, you will be playing the last mission. In the last mission, you, as the rookie, will be escorting an asset (the engineer/virgil's data-base memory) by any means possible. No matter what happens, the asset cannot die. If it dies, you lose.
@DieAgaain: Remember to put spoiler tags on stuff like that. I've edited it for you, but for future note, you'll want to do that.