Hi, everybody! I’m sorry about using your forum as a tool to advertise my Halo 3 machinima series, but I’d really like to get my videos out there, you know? …And I think this is a machinima you may like as well! This is my first machinima ever! My machinima is about a pink Elite named Logan. He may not look like the best Halo player ever, because he isn’t. In fact, he is well beyond terrible. His only hope of winning a match of Halo is to be locked up in a cupboard, bound, and gagged while the rest of his team go on without him. It is a truly sad life. A hard-knock life. Logan’s life. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you: The Life of Logan! Follow the Life of Logan saga through YouTube, and watch every sad episode of his life unfold. I hope you like it! I have spent hours trying to make it as well as I can, and I believe my result is quite good. I am not one of those YouTube goers whose main wish in life is to gain 10,000 subscribers or whatever. My goal is to make you laugh, or cry, or show any appropriate emotion during the watching of my videos. And, if possible, get as many people as possible to receive the opportunity to watch my machinima. Whether you love it or you hate it, whether you laugh or you growl, whether you give it 5-stars or 2, whether you subscribe or block I want one to give it a chance. Here is my promotional video: YouTube- Halo 3- The Life of Logan- Promotional Video I would recommend subscribing if you wish to watch this series, as the release of each episode may take time. My plan is to release an episode every Sunday, which may or may not happen; I don’t know how realistic my goal is. (Sorry!) Episode #1, “The Best of the Best”, will be released on December 20, 2009, which is next Sunday. I am considering my promotional video my first episode, kinda, which is why I am waiting another week to release Episode #1. (It may also allow me time to make Episode #2) So, I recommend you watch my promo. If you believe it is something you would be interested in watching, you may want to subscribe. Subscriptions make me happy, but are far from my goal with “The Life of Logan”. Please comment and rate as you please! FAQ: Q: Did you mean for the initials of the series to be “LoL”? A: Yes, kinda. I wanted the main character’s name to alliterate with the title a bit, and I decided early on I wanted it to begin with “The Life of…”, which went perfectly, I thought, for the initials “LoL”. At first I was thinking ‘Lyle’, but that was soon taken. Then I was thinking ‘Lalo’ because it looks like ‘Halo’. Of course, the pronunciation is completely different, so I thought it wouldn’t translate. I eventually went onto a “baby boy’s name” site and went under ‘L’. My favorites were ‘Larkin’, ‘Larry’, ’Lewis’, ‘Leonard’, ‘Lincoln’ and ‘Logan’. I thought that ‘Logan’ had the most… “clueless” (no offense, Logans) sound to it. Also, I have a friend whose dog is named Logan, and he is rather clueless and dumb too. And frankly, that name was my favorite anyway. Q: Why “It’s a Hard-Knock Life”? A: Because it is. Logan’s life is one of hardship and sadness and sucking. The same goes for his friends, too. Q: Is Logan based on any other machinima’s character? A: I’m gonna bet most people are going to think Logan is based on Lyle. He ain’t. If there is any Elite he is based on, it is the one in “Going Commando”. But really, he isn’t based on any of those guys. The thing he is based of most is a character I created in second grade. Search “Rufftor Who”- he’s the orange guy. I hope you like my machinima! -ZealousSangheili
Haha, that's pretty funny. I expected you to say this was on the list of top machinimas. Lol. Good stuff.
Wow, thanks guys! I hope episode one won't let you down! You may wish to subscribe to make sure you see it, though. (I sound like such a subscribe-prostitute, sorry. I don't mean it like that) You guys rock, by the way.
Haha got quite a few chuckles out of me, I'm afraid! It would have been a bit funnier if the clips didn't look so staged, but its a great start!
Wow! This is better than I thought it would be! Thank you guys so, so, so much! I'll try to make things seem less staged in the future, Gunner, thanks for the advice!
i loved the whole beginning. one big bucket of lols. i thought it was gonna be like a halo 3 sitcom type thingy.
it was great, but that 1st person clip with the rocket and the one where he got splattered by the mongoose through the lift looked to staged Cant wait for sunday!