Here are a few of my most recent sreenshots Starstruck The End Hephaestus Savior Head First And finally, I'm new to sigs but I hope you like it: California Please rate and comment
Damn all of them are so different in a really good way. I really like Hephaestus and Savior because of their contrast (Heaven and Hell). The End is kind of weird but still cool also. Kepp making more because I'd like to see what else you've got!
Ya I just made Head first last night, it was a complete pain to make, but the absolute biggest pain in the ass was The end, but i thought it was original: The hammer effect in campaign.
I have no idea how you did any of the effects exhibited here, but i can tell you this: the result looks pretty damn cool. Especially Hephaestus.
That's the cinema effect. There's already a pretty good tutorial for it. Well, these are damn impressive. Especially Hephastus, that effect is incredible. I would love to see a short tutorial for that effect. It has quite the potential.
I already have a guide for hephaestus in the screenshot guide section, which I just updated. Also the guide's name is fire effect help, because I originally was asking if anyone knew how to do it, but then I figured it out on my own.
all I can work from thise pics is that Savior was done on High Charity with some sort of explosive. Excellent images, love them all except California because that one is really bright.
Head First is freakin' epic brah. You need to make that shiz into a signature(for me pl0x?). These screenshots blew my freakin' brains out man. Keep on makin' awesome screens.