No, its not a ship. SS is just the abbreviation for the name of the map. Well, I've put some time into this map, and I almost done constructing it. The issue is that a few of my original ideas didn't work out or didn't look right, so I had to scrap them. This has left me with several unfinished areas, and I can't seem to think of a way to finish them off. So I figure that someone(s) here could either help me with ideas, or help me finish it. SS is being designed as a symmetrical Team Slayer/Team Objective map designed for up to 6v6 play. It has one vehicle, a centrally located Ghost. I'm trying to build in a way that caters to both ends of the spectrum - the Sniper Rifle/Battle Rifle crowd, and the slightly more personal combat crowd. Right now it feels as fi the wants of the former, but not the latter have been met. I've placed the power weapons already, and some of the Tier 2 weapons as well (Needlers, Brute Shots). NOTE: Map does not have spawns or objective markers yet. Some ideas I've already thought of, but either discarded, or haven't tried yet: -Bridging the gap between the two walls -Adding a set o raise dplatforms similar to the front to near the Rocket Launcher Pad in the back - Using fins to make walls near the back -Adding columns in the base tops to add some cover Here are three pictures to let you see the map and help if you can. In addition, I've provided a download link for the map, if you wish to personally go in a try something. Front Side View Red Base View Overview SS UNF Download
One big problem I see is that there are some places where nothing is. You might want to block that off or add something there,
Thats what I'm talking about. Most of the things I've tried to fill in those areas hae either looked and played terribly, or ended up being just sort of haphazard.
Theres really nothing to make me say wow. There are too many open spaces. If you know how to merge you could place actual terrain here where one part is raised above others. Weapons will probably need to be restructured after you improve the cover. The sword spawn appears very awkward as the two platforms on the sides are jagged and really lead to nowhere. You also might add things for multi-level gameplay, since almost every raised area appears to require a skilled jump or walking a long distance to a ramp. When forging keep in mind the size of the map since this would work fine if about half the size; the crypt is at least twice the size of foundry.
I have neither the skill nor the patience to geo-merge (Regular geo-merging usually ends a fit of swears and attempting to command the box/block to obey, and Ghost-Merging requires a level of timing I cannot muster), so I do without it. And I have decided on one thing - I'm going to get rid of those two platforms in the front, as they do give it the impression of a multi-layered map (which its not really supposed to be. The tops of the bases are as high as you're supposed to get) and are really just a relic from this map's previous incarnations. That just leaves me the issue of reducing the openness of the map. I still can't figure out a way do that without making it too crowded, or without boxing it in.
I downloaded the current version, and I think I'll tinker around with it for a while. I have some ideas to add cover to the map, and perhaps make it more aesthetic as well. If you wish, you can send a friend request to KSI Kuroda and if we both happen to be online I'll show you my ideas. I can see some interesting stuff, it just needs a little work.
I'll do that. I'll try my hand at Ghost-merging again too. Maybe I can improve my record of 112 attempts with 1 success.
You have to hit the object you want ghost and the object menu at the exact same time and at just the right time, otherwise it doesn't work.
up + A is easier YouTube- Halo 3- "How to Ghost Merge" Forge this was the easiest tutorial for me btw
I'm guessing you at least have some basic knowledge of map design. I would finish this just because you got so far, and then design your map first before you forge. It doesn't even have to be SketchUp! You can just design on paper with some practice.
So you just decided to freebird it? Or were there other complications? Because you could have done the whole crypt if you took measurements of the crypt and then used graph paper. That's what I'm doing right now, actually.
Well, gave you my advice on xbox live, just to review: Make your columns higher. For the open corners, provide spawn areas that provide cover. Add to the bases. Make the ramps leading to each of your areas complete, so that you don't have to jump when walking up the ramps. I may be on xbox live tonight, I'll see what I can do about some of the stuff. If you are online and send me a private chat, I won't be able talk very much or very loudly. Just to let ya know.