The Temple of Ra

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aftershock 10, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Temple of Ra
    Created by "aAftershock"

    Download Map - Temple of Ra
    Download Gametype - Deserted


    - - -​


    While driving your warthog through the desert on a reconnaissance mission, you mysteriously run out of fuel atop a hill. Looking down from the hill, you see a vast temple in a canyon, mysteriously flashing with a huge glowing sphere perched ominously at its summit. With no food, water or shelter in the warthog, your only hope in surviving the approaching sandstorms is to make your way inside this puzzling temple and look for something that might help you...


    Well here it is... my latest map.
    This is not an ordinary puzzle map, this is what I like to call an adventure map. The idea of this is that you make your way inside, and then you are pretty much free to roam around the map, and you come across objects that you can use to get further in the map. This means that there is little glitching knowledge required, so that anybody can do it... you just have to use your brain. I really tried to give this map the feel that you are actually inside an abandoned temple, and that you are trying to figure out what to do using objects that you find. But you better be careful, because there are traps that will catch you out very easily. They are not obvious, and no two traps are the same, so you better watch your step :). However, there are no traps that kill you in the second half of the map. This is to avoid frustration, because you wont have to do the first half of the map over and over again.

    Features and Notes

    The Gametype is REQUIRED

    - This map is Compatible with as many people as you want, but it will be easier to complete with more than one person.

    - There are sometimes more than one way to do something, this is intentional... it is up to you to figure out what you want to do, you have mostly free roam of the map

    - You can walk around the map from the outside if you want, but there's not much point... you wont be able to break it, or get inside it any other way apart from the entrance at the front.

    - I spent a lot of effort trying to make this feel as much like an abandoned temple as possible, so you will see awesome aesthetics, and you will hopefully get the feeling that you are in one.


    YouTube- Halo 3 Tutorial: Temple Of Ra.


    The Entrance

    The First Room

    A Gravity Lift

    An Energy Sword

    A Gold Room

    Another Gold Room

    A Tall Room

    The Second Part of The Temple

    A Passage

    A Surprisingly Familiar Room

    Download Map - Temple of Ra
    Download Gametype - Deserted

    Hope You All Like It :D
    Paradox Forgers Forums
    #1 Aftershock 10, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2010
  2. MaxpOO95

    MaxpOO95 Forerunner

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    Wow aftershock, nice job!
    I love how you made it so you spawn outside the pyramid. Kind of recreates all of the traps that could reside in a real pyramid. You have a DL from me, and keep up the innovative ideas!
  3. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    I just did a play through, and the map was well forged, yet lacked in length and amount/variety of puzzles or traps. At the beginning, the traps had me ridiculously paranoid, and i thought they were very sneakily placed. After the first room though, there were no more traps, which was highly disappointing, but it sparked my interest in making a trap map. There were several places where i was able to ghost jump, a few things i thought were overly easy, and a huge short cut in the map. Also, what was the point of the fire bombs? Overall, this was a fun and well forged map, 4/5.
  4. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments and criticism guys :)

    I actually agree with a lot of what you think. Just so everyone knows... this wasn't meant to be an overly long project or map, it was something new that I wanted to do, but I don't have enough time to spend ages making it really long etc at the moment. If, however, a lot of people like it... I might make another one. I already have a few ideas for it, and it will be longer and better than this one. :D
    This was just an idea I wanted to try out.
    P.S. I know you can "break" the map, but part of what I wanted in this map was for there to be many different ways to do it, which is why you can pretty much freely roam it. :)

    EDIT: I cannot believe I didn't delete that teleporter... The map is now fixed, redownload the map if you downloaded it already.
    #4 Aftershock 10, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  5. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Forerunner

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    Playing through it now. This has some of the most hidden traps ever! I love it!

    But im stuck just after the Energy sword at the cannon man. I cant get on it!
    #5 KillerOllie96, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  6. F22ave

    F22ave Ancient
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    I downloaded this map and couldnt make it past like the 4th trap is there any way you could make a walkthrough under spoilers
  7. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Wow I loved this puzzle map, it took me about 2 games to finally finish it the first time, but I kept going back to try and find new ways to finish it, which may be my favorite part, its re-playable! This is definitely one of the more unique puzzle maps and one of my favorites, despite the lack of length and difficulty in some places. Keep up the good work!

    Oh, and I always find it entertaining to climb the temple from the outside and kill myself on the kill ball.
    #7 NinKeith, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  8. Eaglendia

    Eaglendia Ancient
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    Looks pretty awesome. Going to give it a try. Is that room straight from Revelation?
  9. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Nice one Afta! I love the story that you put along with it and the flow of the map. Although it was rather short. . . Overall, it had great forge and some pretty hot traps that got me! I had a blast testing it and can't wait for future projects by you (Oh wait, Paradox Origins, YEAH!)
  10. Mr Bubbles XL

    Mr Bubbles XL Forerunner

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    lol i played through it to the part where you have to fall down into the room below you and got stuck for a while, but I finally beat it. Great map, love the pretty much motion sensor traps! Make more! now! lol jk
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I thoroughly enjoyed this map. I thought the booby traps were great and the first area was a pretty solid and unique take on a puzzle map. I thought the whole adventure mantra was pretty cool with having the player start outside the temple with his warthog giving a little backstory. Ascetically it really feels like you are in an abandoned temple.

    I did see a few issues though. The map was a little short and I'm not the greatest at puzzles and I solved it pretty fast. Also the game didn't end when I found the ball. If you were able to add maybe two more puzzles it would be the perfect length. All in all it's pretty near feature quality, it would be great if you were able to fix those things up :)
  12. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    I am actually making another one... because the issues were things that I knew about, but didn't have enough time to fix. However, I am now on christmas break, so I am spending a lot more time on this new one, and so far it is about 1000 times better than this one lol. (well, in my opinion :D). Besides, as i said, this was more of a little project for me to see if the idea would work well :), and i think it does.

    So if you liked this one guys, keep an eye out for sequel- I hope to get it done pretty soon.
  13. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Forerunner

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    I realy like this map, and it was fun to play, especialy when we took a new friend with us to see how he would get owned by the traps. =P
    But what was the thought after the bubble shields? We managed to get them both, but we didn't know what the point of it was. Besides that, it was realy fun to play. =D
  14. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    The walkthrough for this map is now up on the first post. Please note that the video only shows one way to complete the map, without using all of the objects, and there are other ways to complete the map using the other objects.

    The sequel to this map is now out... check out The Kingdom of Ra

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