Alright this is my first map and I've only worked on it for three days. Its a U-shaped map built on foundry, its as symetrical as foundry gets. At first i thought it was great, but now I'm getting stuck and could use your help so far all i have in the middle building and i could use your help... - should i add a teleporter in the back rooms of each base to add an extra way in and out of the the two bases? - do you like the middle building? -should i add ghosts or/and mongooses? -what should be on the side of the map by the way the middle building is not done (still need a roof) this map is BUDGETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (592 $ left) the tunnel of with a bubble shield inside.
I already have a map here called U-turn so I would appreciate it if you would come up with a new name.
I can't put my finger on it, but that really reminds me of something I've seen before (and not in Halo). As for naming, just remember, there are only so many names. Eventually, we will all have to share.
For starters, do you really need that roof? You;d have much more money if you didn't waste it on something unnecessary. If you keep the middle open, it looks like a good place to place a power weapon of some sort. I can't suggest what else to do because that's where creativity comes in to play. If you want to make a map with a ghost, try it! If you want to make a graveyard themed map, go ahead. Just find some inspiration in yourself to start out with.
This looks much like avalanche, at least from the U-shaped design. I suggest removing the gravlift in the background and blocking that corner with a double block. The layout of avalanche would probably do well on this. The secondary, clifflike bases in the far corners, would give people incentive to spread out, rather than staying in their base with cover, but please do not place teleporters because the map is so small people can easily walk everywhere. The gameplay will still be entirely different from avalanche due to the size.
Wait, are you saying so far all you have is the middle building, or that the middle building is it and you're not done with it? Because those two things require different pieces of thought.
If it's just the middle building, i can't really help you. If it's not then I'd suggest not bothering with a roof and surrounding the central building with other, functional structures. That way you're not wasting money as the structures would be part of the map. If you do that, then you should probably leave a line right in front of the middle building (where the two signs are) where there's nothing so that players have an incentive to go on top of the building, to get a good line of sight.
i had an idea of the middle building and i thought it was cool but its not complete yet and now i was to work on the sides of the map to test LoS and how it would effect the rest of the map.
No offence, but I really don't see how that took you three days to make. I know you are new to forge and I am not knocking you. You should have built a little bit more. How can I give you advice on a couple of boxs ligned up on the floor? Again, please don't take it the wrong way, but you need to do some more work for me to even give you any real advice that's not spam.
*sigh* He doesnt have to change the map name, there are thousands of maps posted at forgehub, odds are there are like 20 maps named u turn. For the map, looks pretty cool, I bet you could shift this into a MLG map like project with that structure, looks like an MLG side base. Good job thus far.