Here is my first Forge creation ever, so please be gentle, but still offer suggestions and criticisms to improve it please. Red Faction - Warlords The most popular map that appeared in both Red Faction I and II, has been redone in Halo 3 fashion. If you are unfamiliar with this map, check out a nice video of it in action here: Warlords Walkthrough Essentially, Red Faction's popularity was due mostly to their Geo-Mod technology, which allowed you to destroy virtually everything in site. Trying to recreate that feeling here, I utilized a lot of destructible materials in making the front of these two bases. They do not respawn, so bases will slowly, but surely get destroyed during gameplay. I started with the Grifball arena as my canvas, because I wanted a nice, square room and didn't want to place all the boxes, since it was already done for me by the fine folks at Red vs. Blue. From there, I attempted to recreate the two Warlords bases to the best of my ability, which isn't that strong yet as you can see from the following pics. I got help from Septimus and FROSTY LIZARD throughout my map creation process, but the design is solely mine. It is set up for EVERY gametype, from slayer, to Capture the Flag to Assault and more. I am new to spawn points and the such, so they may need tweaking. If that is the case, please let me know what to alter and it will be included with my other revisions I have begun noting for Version 2. Download Here: RF - Warlords
Not really, but I did set it up to play it. If it were used, it would be a really quick game me thinks.
I wouldn't say u have little skill... if that's whatbu were implying. I personally don't like remakes... but if u make a completely new map I'd be more than happy to check it out. PM me if u do. U have potential.
I was a huge Red Faction fan....well I was a fan of the original....the second one was just terrible. This looks like a decent remake. I think you could have made the cavern walls a bit closer to the bases....and the bases look a little far apart from one another. But all in all it looks like a decent remake. And did you hear they're making a Red Faction 3??? I'm excited!
Red Faction was slick back in the day. This remake looks pretty decent so I will give it a download. Did you use the Griffball Court as the canvas for this map?
Ahh, yes. Might I recommend any of the canvas' found here: Most notably the Foundry Money Glitch Canvas.
I remember, back in the elementary days, that I would go over to my friends house every day and this is what we would play. We would try to make caverns and stuff, but it was annoying because you could only play for like 20 minutes. We had so much fun then.
Yeah, I weighed that decision for a long time. Do I want the wall already built or do I want infinite resources and went with the lazy way. I did run out of money before I wanted, but still... I didn't have to make the giant wall. Next time I may not be as lazy.