Idea for Asset

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Viet Honor, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    So heres my idea,
    Defenders will spawn in the crypt in an enclosed room with a man cannons shooting upwards. A net of teleporters will be at the very top. When the Defenders spawn they will all be shot up by the mancannons. The Asset(with lower gravity) will hit the teleporters at the top, while his teamates will get killed by killballs after 10 seconds.

    The asset will arrive at a reciever node in the sky bubble in a small room. His teamates will also spawn in the skybubble In the same buliding. Now the defenders must wait 1 minute while being attacked for the Asset to "gather data" and the room where the asset is will unlock.

    At the 1 minute mark, 2 transport Hornets and 2 hornets will spawn. Now you must transfer the Asset to the next building, which will include a lot more weapons. Once at this building, you must wait 2 more minutes while being bombarded by enemy air support and small infantry.
    If your team survives that then the next room will unlock, and the asset is safe.

    Wow i leave this thread for over 8 hours and not even one reply does no one have an opinion about if I should do this or not?...

    Anyone think I should do this?
  2. Arazra

    Arazra Ancient
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    I dunno if this is really an asset game

    I think its a unique game all together, try making something new you also don't have how the enemies figure into this and please be patient, if someone took interest they would have posted
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    My only concern is that, if the asset is held off in a building which opens later in the game, will the covenant be able to attack it at all?
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Placing this in skybubble seems like an odd idea. What you are talking about seems to just be an average asset map. Nothing to make a thread about. Until we see the map or some design there is really no way to help.
  5. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    This strays far from the original idea of asset, and I haven't seen something done like this before for Asset.
  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    This post makes no sense. It cannot be an average and odd asset map, and the reason why he posted it without pictures is:

    1. Its an IDEA, its in the title.
    2. He hasnt started.

    It sounds like a great idea, somewhat of a escort/houldout asset type map that we've been seeing around here more often. Perhaps the hornets should spawn after the exit area to the hornets opens up, that way the covenant couldnt destroy the hornets before the asset and squad of ODST's get there. This idea reminds me a lot of steve11selby's asset map idea, except without the "rescuing" of the VIP. Great job, I hope you do a good job if you start forging it.
  7. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you ROFL, and your map and Rifte's asset map, encouraged me to come up with this idea.

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