Imagine forge in Modern Warfare. How. COOL. WOULD THAT BE. What maps would you forge and what would you do?
definitly a snowmobile racetrack maybe it will be in mw3 http://
You do know that's fake, right? Forge or some kind of map editor in MW would be pretty sweet. It could make up for all the shitty maps that MW2 has...
PC games usually get an SDK release (that is, essentially "forge" for custom content) alongside or shortly after the game is bought. CoD4 had an SDK release, but with the server switch Infinity Ward opted to take with MW2, I highly doubt custom content is going to be made, or even able to be tested considering there are no private servers.
Im thinking Far Cry 2 Map Editor here? and as an above post says, SDK's normally get released for the PC versions of most games on steam, it would suck if it didnt. It's a nice idea but it wont be happening on any game like MW2 any time soon except for PC.
I would really love to have Forge in MW2, it would make the lifetime of the game last longer indefinitely and make the game play experience expand tenfold. However, thinking realistically this would never happen in my opinion with the Call of Duty series, they would be branching off and would be taking some of Halo's concepts.
call of duty would need a real map editor, not forge. like far cry 3. except it would be really popular. because call of duty would lose all of its authenticity without the detail, and large pre-created pieces to keep the detail would kill the options. i dont like the idea of it, but we could get a few great maps off of it.
hell yes, this would then be the NUMBER ONE machinima game out there... even though filming can be a PITA(pain in the ass). I personally would prolly buy a game just for ease of machinima creation(especially w/ good graphics)... IW really should've thought about this...
Jesus Christ have you guys ever played on a PC? A lot of games have modding tools which allow you to make custom maps, forge is one of the worst map programs out there.
hello there Im from California. Yes much better to look on you tube cause you can find a lot there. thanks.