Ok, I want: Control over weather Able to edit map geometry, such as texture, raise and lower etc. Able to re-size objects A larger item list Bigger budgets and item limits Switches such as doors etc Fun, new items such as fire, water, rocks and so on Actually smooth double boxes ¬_¬ Control over lighting, day, night etc More control over gametypes Easy merging methods Controllable speed of the orb! Yeah, thats pretty much it. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR BUNGIE NOW!!! IT'S A NEW GAME SO THEY HAVE NO REASON NOTTO ADD THESE IN.
i think the editing map geometry should be for 1 map, at least if you can change how the objects look (flood, forerunner, etc) oh and what do you mean by controlling speed of orb, can you explain that? oh also they should have that one map in halo pc (maybe halo ce) thats like 5 times as big as sandtrap
I don't know if anyone else suggested this. But I just say they should allow you to add more objects. Or pretty much just eliminate the object placement limit. Not talking about the budget (tho removing that would be good too) I'm talking about the limits they set on the items like how there is a minimum of 32 fusion coils on some maps. Another good thing would be to make it so movables don't always have to disappear after physicalizing them. And add open containers to all the maps (not talking about open boxes, talking about open containers that can move).
Hmm... Well yea that would be good. But I actually have an idea that would the 3 things I just mentioned in above post. Movable large structures made out of scenery should be the result. I really wanna remake scarab that can move =P. Also another thing that would have to be added to make it work. Is the option to have things spawn in a specified trail. I know I said something about movables not despawning. But keep in mind of grav lifts being destroyed. Edit: And quite possibly one more thing. Make grav lifts influence on objects stronger. The grav lifts influence might not be strong enough at its current setting.
despawn times for objects. like after 90 sec into a game an object can despawn. just like the opposite of place at start no.
I have three new requests and one edit to an old request New- Instead of each map added having its own objects, alot of room can be saved up and more items can be added if there is a global item list for every map which is updated when new maps come out. This would make older maps fresh, instead of dated. New- Teleporters have an option to spawn late in game, or activate late in the game, or even have the ability to change channels at a given time. New- Access to ALL weapons, vehicles, and turrets avaliable in the game, as well as the option to set weapon starts to all of the weapons possible, or no weapon at all, both slots. Edit- Objects have a state which can be edited with a push of the "Y" button. Solid-normal collision, freezes when let go, immovable. Liquid-no collision, freezes when let go, immovable. Floppy-normal collision, does not cement in place/movable. Ghost-The object becomes a mere outline with no collision, and therefore out of the way of other objects.
MY LIST Time of Day filter Weather Possible A.I. More vehicles copy/paste feature(Making symmetric bases would be sooo easy!) More items in general Drop Pods- Let's say the object of a new game you just finished is to drop from orbit(really high sky limit!) onto the level and get to a certain destination, you would spawn up in this forgeable hangar that can fit 4 pods to each one. You press and hold RB to get in, L trigger to close hatch. And of course, R trigger to release! Once landed, press L trigger again to open hatch, or lets say you landed wrongly(ODST), press the four emergency hatch buttons to pop you out of your pod. EPIC machinimas would be possible!
1. a shield that blocks bullets like a shield door but not vehicles.... NEW! 2. a lock mode... for things like double blocks it will act like it is a regular block until you unlock which then it will be like using ghost merging.... I think its NEW! 3. new custom power up colors with channels some what NEW! 4. a wall where you can inert how long it is wide it is and it's height NEW! 5. Auto turret could be considered a trap or guardian... with strenght option andspeed 6. AMMO FREAKING CANISTERS NO ONE PUT THAT... WHERE YOU CAN TAKE AMMO BUT NOT TAKE A WEAPON... 7. campaign forging... use a part of a map for forging 8. sure why not... auto bots 9. weather 10. water effects... 11. landscape option... for like sandbox... makes hills and lowers them... 12. real working fire... hurts you... 13. unlimited money slash item amount 14. able to use every item able to forge on every map... example double box on construct 15. make it a humans vs. aliens game... make everyone half to be a human or alien. 16. invisible walls... 17. moving pads... like magical floating pads where you can tell them where to go... for maps like elevators. and such 18. teleporters that everything goes through them. like grenades and rocks 19. real time settings... morning noon night... 20. camaras and screens... new equipment possibly... place a camera and a screen on the map so a player can keep track of whats behind him in a hallway.... 21. a grav lift area... it pushes you up in a area not just at the actual tool... 22. copy and paist... 23. most important REDU AND UNDO BUTTONS 24. swinging doors 25. spendable points... idk for role playing games to buy weapons or stragey games where you kill get a point and buy a better weapon??? idk 26. a vip spawn point..... please bring one to us bungie.... 27. jackle shields.... 28. anti air wraiths.... 29. like our own bungie website where we can post as many maps as we wan't (not limmited to fileshare) 30. and last and not least... got really lazy a capture the flag game or bomb game... something where more than two teams can play!
Basicly the Far Cry 2 editor. I agree with you there. Far Cry 2 has undo I think, and it like ghost merging. Without that middle depth limit shot.
... i dont think people realise the point of the object/money limit. it's there to prevent lag. lag=gay, so we dont like lag. and not that kind of gay, the kind that is autistically homosexual, instead of normally homosexual.
And people have already said that only idiots would create maps that lag. And if there are some idiots out there. Just leave the game after u see that it lags. And I'd say that a bit of lag is worth it if u can have the opportunity to see brilliantly made maps.
Well what I mean is: Whilst forging you could press start, then on the menu there would be an option that enables you to change the orbs speed accurately (1-10, or 20 maybe?), like 1 would be extremely extremely extremely slow, as this would enable forging to be alot more accurate. You could also set the spped to 10 for example and this could be used to travel across maps alot faster. Basically it will enable neater forging, and it won't waste time traveling
More custom game options. And.. more forge maps like sandbox. They should make one like the size of the sky bubble but has a solid floor. That way someone can remake coagulation!
Thank you all for posting your ideas. I'll be updating the front page with more ideas as soon as finals are over. Just a couple of quick notes: -Dont post something that's been said over and over, unless you want to expand on it. -Dont post something that's already on the front page. I've already added a ghost merge tool, automatic doors, and water. -I can't be expected to write detailed descriptions of every tool! If you really want me to put something on the front page, write your own detailed description. I can spell check it and add to it myself.
quoted. ON TOPIC- All these sound pretty cool, i think maybe bungie should add in a new weapon/base thing (under a new section called bases) the Missile Silo. like the one on high-ground but with one missile. like the COD predator missile, but in a building. controls like the predator, without the heat seek red square thingy..