I wouldn't call it a sig; it's more like a large art Place text nearer to the spartan and the effect on him is quite unprofessional. Search some tutorials on DeviantArt to learn more about graphics.
For your information I know alot of techniques, but I found this one to be more subtle and effective. If you would like to suggest something different instead of saying it's unproffesional, I will oblige. THank you and good night.
I'm hoping this is your first one... Lets start with the good..... Alright now onto the bad. This isn't a signature. Signatures are 500 width by 200 height. Yours is 640 by 358. Terribly over sized. As for effects, it's all just filters, terribly used filters. I'm guessing it was motion blur over the whole thing including text. Bad idea. Text is in a terrible spot as well as that... line or whatever. Also some odd reason it's terribly LQ... As for some help, you should definitely look at some (a lot of) tutorials. Try looking on Deviantart, or if necessary I will link you to them.
^See, Monitor?^ Don't get all upset because I was trying to help you. Sometimes, the harshest criticism may be the most helpful.
Using GIMP's "wind blast", or whatever the hell it is, is not a technique, it's a filter. Honestly, take our advice and take a look at some tutorials. They're not too hard to find. If by subtle and effective, you mean, harsh and noisy, you're correct.
Ok....I'll make another one. I didn't spend to much time on it and it sucks ok. Point understood. Now as far as Deviant art tutorials go, I don't need them. That's my first attempt at a sig, however I now how to do other things. I didn't know the dimension. Me: Me:
I've been working with gimp a year and still use tutorials from time to time...Your new ones don't look that great either, the second one being the best...But since you don't want to hear, "go read some tutorials" again I wont say it. Okay, on to the CnC. The first one-crappy text (its to big and makes itself the focal), bad composition (its very empty and odd shaped), the render is not blended, the smoke doesn't look great, its okay just not very good, the c4d/fractal you used on the bottom is about like the smoke, the colors are hideous, music has nothing to do with the picture. second one-much better color scheme and compo, text is better, but should be closer to the focal, the back ground repeats itself to obviously on the left side, I don't like the faded tanks on the sides of the main one, thats just preference.
well i guess there's only one way to learn. The harsh comments of an internet forum. *sigh* it's been a helluva week so far......
It looks cool but isn't really a sig. I'd really consider a screen print with an effect added onto it to make in looked "sig-i-fied."