Okay i've been racking my head over this one for a while -I need a truck to travel down a narrow hallway. presumably to splatter all those in its way. -The trap cannot use a power-up. You may use any other items. -A max of 3 mancannons can be used -The trap must be able to be activated by one person and the person is safe from harm when they activate trap. -Trap must be reusable. some more requirements sorry: -cannot be grenade activated. -only one grav lift can be used. unless your trap is just pure genius You can explain your design to me, create it in sketchup, create it in forge, etc. as long as the point gets across to me. If there you have any questions regarding what is wanted from the trap, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your time.
Imagine this: So there's a tunnel. On one end of the tunnel, there's a hole coming down inside the tunnel from the top, like this: l l l l____________ l 000 l -------------------- The three zeroes represent the truck. Okay, so now you have fusion coils around the top of the hole, and you push down the hole. Have mancannons floating in the middle of the drop, making the fusion coils explode on impact with the ground. I'm guessing that this would propel the truck forward down the tunnel, but you'd have to try it yourself to see if it would work....
Um, what? You go into forge in halo 3, and then make a map...I'm not really quite sure what you're asking here.
no, that wouldn't work. im thinking you should make his tunnel, the same width as the truck. but the truck is above the tunnel. there are two man cannons on the sides of the tunnel. like this ...T M|.|M T=truck, |=walls, M=sideways man cannons. The truck is held up by pallets held up by teleporters on the very edge.
I've got an idea that would require no fusion coils or any explosions, just use the bump glitch. Here is a pic of the setup you would use, if you don't understand it add me on live and I can show you. My GT is indigobeef. Have it so the truck spawns 10 seconds after the man cannons and it wont be effected by them untill after someone moves to close to it or the barrel.
Indigo, Im really happy for you, and im gonna let you finish, but the OP specifically said it needs to be reusable. @Blazen, you would destroy the pallet which is holding the truck up. the truck would then fall into the mancannons.
I have an idea, use this switch; Ferret Cannon - H3Artificer this switch lets you control when you deploy your truck, and is also resettable, it respawns when the truck despawns and then respawns.