Did anybody know you could do that? If you have someone sign in while the countdown is going on and a screen doesn't appear you can play 3 player co-op on the same screen, on Halo 3 campaign. It's probably old news but whatever
Oldy but Goody. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/18773-three-campaign-players-one-xbox.html
A year late there buddy. Almost every glitch, secret, easter egg, nook and cranny was discovered within the first months of Halo 3's release. But it doesn't mean there are glitches yet to be discovered, such as ghost locking, which was recently discovered.
There's probably something like "Hi Ben" in Halo 3. If not, it's a bit disappointing that all eggs were found in the first month.
Yeah, its old but not as well known as some glitches. It is pretty handy, I've used it before when I've taken my Xbox to a friends house but we couldn't connect it to LIVE. 3 player MP isn't great, 3 player campaign was much better and a lot less laggy than with 2 Xboxes over LIVE!
didnt know this one either... but could you do four? like start the game again with a fourth? nah probably not seeing as no one is saying so