I really like the angles you took all of your jumps. And the jumps were actually really cool. Very Ninja warrior-esc lol. I wish I could jump that high and even have the guts to do some of those more difficult jumps. Nice work!
That wasn't bad. I think I might try to give you some advice. Keep in mind I can't really do anything but I have a friend who is pretty decent at this stuff (heres a vid of my friend -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ATsOJaYzd8 - no editing because of difficulties) Can you flip? If you can, add that into the video somehow. When you get somewhere high, do a backflip off and keep going. Some of you landings are great, and others were meh. maybe work on your roll a little better because on one instance you did and nice roll but it was sort of on your side which makes it easier to hit your head off the ground (I can still feel it) Try and mix it up a bit. A lot of your stuff was just normal jumping over stuff. I did enjoy the wall jump over the fence. Add some more crazy vaults in as well. Lastly, parkour is technically get from point A to point B as fast as possible and at least once , all you did was wall jump around a corner and end up were you were which looked cool but it didn't have the fluid motion. Also, if you have any friends, incorporate them into the video. Its always good to have 3 people or maybe 2 so you get different styles in there. Hope some of that helped. Watch the video above. They are pretty good but their video has variety. It was good though, don't get me wrong. Hope you make some more.
Yea thanks man, no I cant do flips yet, I can do a backflip amd a 180 backflip and a frontflip into a pool off the edge, but I'm just to scared to do them on flat land. And Yea I know whatcha mean about normal. Trust me its really hard to find good spots in my town lol. So for my next video Im going to a way more urban town. Like none of my friends do parkour so Im kindof out of luck on that one.
that was pretty good. Better than a friend I know who is always gloating about his no-existent parkour skills. Try adding in a few different moves because they were mostly the same, but nonetheless still pretty neat.
Yeah, thats what my friend said. Doing flips at first was scary. He said the best way for him to learn was do them into a pool, then try them on a trampoline without getting a bounce. You will jump higher but not ridiculous high. Then if you have a gymnastics place, go onto their springy boards on the floor and try them there, then lastly is in the grass. If you live near a city, try going there. The video I showed was a town in louisiana but they are starting to hit up new orleans. Good luck.
a few things: get some proper running shorts. running and jumping in jeans just doesnt work. also, you need to learn to do a proper roll to absorb the shock of larger falls. watch this: YouTube- Boulder Tribute - Ryan Ford this guy was a friend of mine. He does some crazy ****.
Wow, all I can think of while watching you do that is running away from someone and winning. Wow, I wish I could jump that good.
1:29 was my favorite jump. and yea i know its your first video but theres lots you can learn from ryan fords video besides doing insane handstands and other things that require outrageous amounts of armstrength. oh and 1:10 was also pretty beast
THeres nothing wrong with wearing jeans or cargo pants. As long as your comfortable running in them, your fine. Thats like saying palying soccer in pants doesn't work but it does.
jeans are very heavy and so make jumping/running unduly difficult. Additionally, they will sag etc if they are too big and restrict leg movement if they are too small. Its easiest just to get shorts
here are some of my thoughts -improve your roll -work on your muscle ups -don't start flips until you are good at vaults and muscle ups trust me this helps a lot -why are you doing wall runs sideways instead of up -find a picnic table to practice vaults -when you do practice flips get a mat or something soft to land on thats all i can think of right now i will get back to you in the morning