2009's Game of the Year Thread This year has been an awesome year for gaming. Some really classic titles have been released, and new franchises have been set up. So out of all the titles that have been released, which is your favorite? For me, it is Uncharted 2. The campaign was epic. It was just set piece after set piece. The gunplay and climbing were awesome, and the cover system was on par with some of the industries best. The voice acting and story were both simply amazing. What really made this game for me was the variety. You have campaign, multiplayer with some awesome gametypes, 3 different coop modes, and a theatre mode. All of this topped off with the best graphics ever to hit the console. Other notable games would be... Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 While the campaign was short, boy was it epic. The game designers really had a lot of awesome ideas for levels, but it seems like they didn't know how to tie them all up. This led to a very unrealistic story line compared to the first. Regardless, i bought the game for multiplayer. Yeah, the matchmaking is awesome and addictive, but what really stole the show was spec ops. I had a lot of fun with that section of the game. IW also increased the quality of the graphics, which is always nice. MW2, for me, wins multiplayer game of the year. Batman Arkham Asylum Finally, a good Batman game. You could really tell that Rocksteady loves the Batman universe. Arkham was filled with info and action that really immersed you into this crazy, but somehow believable world. The combat was tight and fun, and the voice acting, thanks to the voices of the cartoon series, was top notch. using all the gadgets to dominate your foes really made you feel like Batman, which is obviously important in a Batman game. Batman Arkham Asylum takes home the campaign game of the year, for me. Other games i really enjoyed: Resident Evil 5 Red Faction Guerrilla: Blow-****-up Game of the Year Infamous Killzone 2 Assassin's Creed 2: Sandbox Game of the Year Borderlands: RPG of the Year , Coop game of the Year Fight Night Round 4: Sports Game of the Year Halo 3 ODST
Honestly I would like to say Halo 3 ODST because of the great graphics and the city scape design. Although left 4 dead 2 is great and i have heard great things from friends about assassins creed 2 and uncharted 2 I still will alwayss love the halo series as it grows bigger.
I speak of this list. I though it was literally the list you compiled for games that actually won a reward at the VGAs. My mistake though, carry on.
I know what the topic is about, but I just have to say that the Spyke VGAs are and always will be bullshit and lame. Sorry, just my opinion. I have no faith in Spyke and videogames together. G4 is the game channel not Spyke. As for GOTY I nominate Left 4 Dead 2. It met and exceeded my expectations and did so better than any other game this year. ODST fell short, MW2 met my expectations but didn't quite exceed them, that's pretty much the just of it.
Spike* And Left 4 Dead 2, In my opinion, wasn't as great as Left 4 Dead 1. It's still fun, and the chainsaw is ****ing amazing, but It just doesn't have the band as the Original L4D had. My choice for Game of the year, is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The campaign was great, though a bit short, great. And the multiplayer will probably be the most played multiplayer on Xbox Live in a few months. It`s just that big. But I also do Agree with Spike's award. If you looked at Uncharted 2 and saw some of the features they had, it really felt like you were watching a movie, and that's why the cinematics were probably the best I've ever seen.
Red Faction was my GOTY, even though I've bin playing other games because the multiplayer is basically dead. So far this year I only bought RFG, ODST, and MW2, and for christmas I want Borderlands and AC2 so I should have held my opinion but so far its RFG for me. And I plan to steal a PS3 to play uncharted 2 and God of War 3
MW2. it didnt exceed my expectations, but mine were set so high for this title that i was lucky it even met them.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Where to start? The visuals are among the best I have ever seen on any game. A spectacular feeling is given to you upon gazing on an over-the-top view. Its story might prove a little too complicated for some, but in my honest opinion, it feels like a 5-star movie topping the box-office. To add, epic moments are very frequent over the course of the campaign. Although it is disappointingly short, the campaign is just too fun for me to complain. The multiplayer maps are probably the worst part of the multiplayer since the big maps seem to dominate the maps list. Other than that, it impresses my taste far more than I have ever remembered from the first Modern Warfare. This is a game that will be remembered for ages. Modern Warfare 3 will probably be done in a couple of years or so, but I am already pissing myself of excitement.
Batman: Arkham Asylum The first game I've played in ages that had a great campaign. The combat system was simple and still epic. It took the dark look on batman from dark night and improved on it. And the riddles. The bloody riddles. I got so addicted to this game I had to solve them all! Best game I've played in a long time, any campaign that gets multiple plays from me is a winner.
NBA 2K10:Best Sports Game of the year Halo 3 odst:Best Multyplayer (if it counts...)\ CoD MW2: Best Campaign and graphics All BK games:WORST GAMES OF THE DECADE!!