so, post what the last game you played was, the gametype, if it was MM or private, and your statistics. mine was CODMOD2-hardcore TDM-MM-27 kills-8 deaths i was sniping m14 ebr + akimbo models ftw
Brakes- you are supposed to post how you did. I just played a game of hardcore hq pro 62-36 I don't post when my most recent game sucked. I was playing S&d, and this guy used his sniper ALWAYS. and he sucked at sniper too. He tried to no scope. He just about ruined the game every time he got the bomb. American- how was their a triple kill on a 1v1?
The thing that I find the funniset about this game is that the final score came down to your guys' amounts of suicides. Qrangeremi= 3 suicides AmericanPyscho= 4 suicides *And you lost by
Spawn killing. Learn the spawn in 1v1s. Bottom Green, S2, and Blue are the most common if you sit at Gold. At Camo, you can see all the spawns and easily get multi kills with the sniper. Instant spawn might help too.
8-0 i was last man standing against entire team in overtime (i joined late, played only 2 rounds) got into a great camping spot in subbase and killed all 5 players. it was rapehood.
Hardcore HQ pro 32-26 i used all magnums tryin to get that durn tactical knife. i might switch to M9 though...