lol, I could be totally wrong. If it isn't him, they got someone who can do a damn good impersonation of him.
dude, it is. Im a big fan of Brad as an actor. I enjoy his movies and his work, and Im sure that it his voice.
Found out MY HAPPY MOMENT HAS ARRIVED. At Seconds 2:00-2:05, something amazing is happening. People may think it is a Covy ship shooting to the surface preparing to BURN the planet side. I wondered for a second why is it going upwards? I also wondered why the Plasma is burning up in the sky and not on the surface. IT IS BECAUSE that was a MAC Shot into the belly of that ship. IT is going to crash or explode in the next few seconds. Seconds after that cut scene ends you should see it but bungie hides that away. I have to run and PreOrder this game ... I'll be back soon. ....
Does anyone think the Spartan IIIs will have active camo like the arbiter did in halo 2. Also, How do you think the health system will be based considering they had no shields. Will it be like ODST?
Tosses the book Ghost of Onyx at you. THEY have Shields just not as good ones. Secondly I noted that Tom could very well be wearing Mark V armor not SPI. The look similar because of the ratio of plates and armor he is wearing is way to much for SPI. I feel the heath system will be much more like ODST simply by the fact we have to use heath packs again. ODST did a wonderful note on how well they make campaign feel real. Returning heath ruins that a tad. Starts Dancing over Mac Cannon...
I'm pretty sure that the explosion your talking about is one of the super Mac's generators going kablooie, because the only mac related thing planet-side on reach were the super mac's generators. Also, the spartans were charged with defending them.. makes sense.
i wonder how the health system will work in MM? Or maybe they won't have it at all or maybe only in certain playlists?
that springs the question, what will MM be like? squad based? bungie did say in a press conference that they feel they have perfected the shooter they originally wanted. hoping for more realistic, squad combat.
Cool, I just assumed that that was a mushroom cloud from a bomb the Covenant dropped from the Carrier. But of course, that makes no sense. Why would you drop a bomb directly below your stationary ship? So the lightening was the ship exploding? Nice! Still, Reach is going to be a hard game to "win" seeing as the planets going to be glassed anyway! Like ODST, there was nothing you could do to stop the Covenant blowing up the city, turns out they'd smashed up most of it already anyway!
Well, in MW1 the nuke went off, in MW2, loik half the people died and USA was invaded, Halo 1 everybody but John and a few others died, in Halo 2 Big battle, lots died, Halo 3 Africa got ****ing powned.
Looked through some screen caps, found most of the spartans, a few names, a few numbers. Names and numbers don't seem to match up with known spartans though... Carter 259 Spoiler Kat 320 Spoiler 052 Spoiler Can't find numbers or names on the: Protagonist, Bad Ass, Sniper.
by 025, i think you mean 052, and that would be Jorge. the bad ass may be frederic-104, because of his love/affection for that really big knife. the sniper may be joshua, if the badass is frederic, because the books say that joshua is the spartans second best shot and best spotter. still no word on the protaganist. also, if i am right on the other two, then kelly is most likely somewhere in the game, as the three of them made up team alpha.
this looks amazing , the new vehicles are a bonus! , i love the looks of the armour .. does anyone know if its gunna be multiplayer online like Halo 3? , im also hopeing for better forge!! 1267/5
In the video, from about 1:52-1:57 (best view is at the beginning of 1:56), there's some round thing off to the left of the screen. Does anyone know what that might be? It's probably a planet, but I just want to make sure... and I think I just figured out where the Badass Skull Spartan's helmet came from. Look at his helmet and try to imagine it without the skull, then look at the Spartan in this here picture, crouching down in the front. similar, no? And that definitely is NOT a normal EVA helmet...
I'm pretty sure they're all from Noble Team. Fred, Joshua and Kelly would all outrank Carter - in any case, during Reach (and pretty much during all other missions) they were on Alpha Team instead. So, the unidentified characters are just that, so far.
you are right! , looks just like that , and i hope its not a normal EVA helmet , ever since i heard about Reach i have been hopeing for new armour!!
point taken, why didnt i think of that? however, this trailer could be at a point between the time they landed, to the the time alpha team did the infamous raid. although highly unlikely, 'tis still slightly possible. i guess we'll just have to wait and see.