Sandbox Ancient Hall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by EviLCorsaiR, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    Ancient Hall

    Download here!

    Ancient Hall is a small Sandbox based Slayer map, primary for Free For All with up to 8 people, but can also be used for small Team Slayer games (max 3v3 suggested 2v2). When I say it's small, I mean it's VERY small. It makes for some pretty hectic action, even with only 3 people. This makes it very enjoyable, however.

    Placed weapons:
    Battle Rifle x4 - 30 second respawn - 2 spare clips
    Shotgun x2 - 60 second respawn - 0 spare clips
    SMG x4 - 30 second respawn - 2 spare clips
    Sniper Rifle x1 - 60 second respawn - 2 spare clips
    Rocket Launcher x1 - 60 second respawn - 0 spare clips
    Brute Shot x1 - 60 second respawn - 2 spare clips
    Needler x1 - 30 second respawn - 2 spare clips
    Frag Grenades x6 - 10 second respawn
    Spike Grenades x2 - 10 second respawn

    The rocket launcher is right in the middle, making it difficult to get to in a fight but good once you do have it. The map uses spike grenades as plasmas would be too powerful, and it adds a bit of change to the plasmas always used. Only 6 frags to prevent them overpowering the map. Sniper DOES respawn quickly, but because of the size it's not very useful which is why.


    Map Overview
    A basic overview of the whole map. As you can see it's pretty small. Originally it was open-roofed but after testing I found some people might be able to grenade jump out of the map, so I added a roof. Merged lights at each area to indicate each of the 'bases'.

    Central area
    This is the middle area. One side there's a pair of frag grenades, the other the sniper rifle. In the middle is the rocket launcher and spike nades-while powerful, they are in the very middle so hard to get in a fight.

    Upper area
    One of the two higher grounds. One battle rifle on the side of each, and one in front of the 'shotgun' housing. One frag on each side further back. This slope has the needler on the slope, the other slope has the brute shot in the same place. Other side has the two SMGs on each of the two ends.

    Shotgun housing
    One of these on each end of the map as shown before. Has a shotgun in each one.

    I am open to any constructive critism, and of course am happy to play with anyone if they want to. My Gamertag is EviLCorsaiR if anyone wants to play me.

    Download here!
  2. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    This looks like quite a potentialy good map. However I think you could use some more merging of sorts, like in the shotgun spawn. I also think you should make a more aesthicaly centre piece. it's all well and good but nothing really jumps out at me.
    #2 Fusionguy, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  3. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I see what you mean about something more aesthetic in the middle. This was designed initially for function over aesthetics however now the function is down, I'd love any tips on how to make it look better.

    What would you recommend as a more aesthetically pleasing centre piece? A stone platform?
  4. cheesenipsaregood

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    maybe 2 archs ghost merged into the ground so it looks kindof like this ( )
  5. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    Be imaginative. Mabye a large pillar that bulges in the middle and has small holes so you can see an orb in the middle IDK, like I said be imaginative. ;)
  6. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    What, so you mean it's kind of like an 'archway' in the middle that you can walk through?
  7. cheesenipsaregood

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    Yup i didnt know what it was called
  8. Don Gato

    Don Gato Ancient
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    you could add a curved bridge extending from each base and converging at the middle. this would at least make it multi-leveled and would be a good place for rockets.

    also, i don't like how the rockets and sniper rifle are right next to each other. perhaps you could lean the sniper up against the gold pillars on the wall (2 snipers rifles?)
  9. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    I think this size of a map has too many power weapons, and the needler & rocker have splash damage.

    thats whats i was thinking, with gold pillars :D
  10. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Ancient
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    The map has a great layout but seems to easy to spawn kill. It is very tactical and once the first kill has happened they have about a 70% chance of winning. It would be a great 1v1 and 2v2 map though. Just imagine 16 players playing that or that as infection XD!
  11. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    why the hell is there a rocket and sniper in the same spot, is this a joke...

    haha nah man im just foolin round sorry, but really why would any sane person put those 2 weapons in the same place? what was running through your mind???!

    and why are guys spammin bout arches?
    #11 whiizzle, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  12. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    I can see your points about the rocket and sniper, however the sniper is not as useful in this map as it is in others, due to the very close proximity. I might remove it altogether however.

    I've already factored in the possibility of spawn killing, which is why it contains 22 spawn points all across the map. In testing, it proved to sort it out.

    I DO like the idea of a bridge across the middle, I'll look into it-although I might have to rebuild the celing higher.
  13. Don Gato

    Don Gato Ancient
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    This may be pushing it, but it seems that there is space under the bases that you could utilize. I mean, instead of just having solid blocks for the floor of your bases, you could easily use wood bridges (or walls, but I'm not sure how many of those you have left). I'm sure with a little effort, you could make it both aesthetically pleasing and functional. You could either have an entrance to it through the shotgun spawn, or you could slide the ramps over and have a front door (or both). You could ghost merge any objects you want in there that might not fit.
  14. Lil FlipKid 8o8

    Lil FlipKid 8o8 Ancient
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    i tried it out, and i saw 1 problem. There was alot of spawn killing. Try to make it more big. Or more cover. Either way it would make it better and have that asthetic feeling. It plays really good for 1v1 though, IMO. :)
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Nothing really to make this a good map. The map is bland there is no cover to prevent spawn camping, especially with a rocket launcher. If you extended it it might actually make a good conquest map though.
  16. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    imo 22 spawn points is no where near enough.. I usually have 50+
    Unless ur having problems with the object limit, at least double your amount of spawn points.

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