I made this new signature. I think it is my best yet but I would like to know what you think. It is "Starkiller" from "Star Wars, The Force Unleashed" one of my favorite games ever. Tell me what you think
Are you serious??!?!?! I did use gimp and how could you think in a million years someone could make this with paint?!?! what is wrong with you?! edit: sorry i thought you were just being a jerk
Are you having a seizure, or are all those extra exclamation points and question marks for show? Calm down, this could be done in Paint, I was just making a joke. Clearly you're new at Graphics, so I'd suggest looking up some tutorials on Deviant Art.
Like RST said try a tut. Here. ShineOnMe GIMP Signature Tut by ~Shallowmede-X on deviantART Read over that and try that out and see where you get.
So true! I tried using paint to make something once I ended up failing miserably. Then I found gimp and managed to make a jail type thing for my clan as a logo.