So yeah the title says it all. Please subscribe/rate/comment! This first video is a 1v3 Search and Destroy clutch all with a Tactical Knife. YouTube- 4v1 SnD Clutch using only My knife The next video is a Montage of the top rated WaW clans for MW2. YouTube- Holiday Doc's First MW2 Montage
This should probably belong in the Videos section but I really like the second vid considering the quality and gameplay. The first one was a little irritating with the music selected but still was pretty cool to watch. I haven't really seen any MW2 montages so this was cool to see
holy DROPSHOT. are really good at that tactic btw. The first video was alright, but it would have been better if one of them had actually seen you... the second video was very nice though I enjoyed it. All it needs is a little bit more variety.
also, they're less than mediocre. SCAR and TAR with host connection and awful opponents doesnt mean anything accuracy is probably 0.01%
Mehh, this was alright. Could not stand the music choice, the first vid wasnt that great considering you just ran around with a knife monkey class and just killed everyone from behind, wasnt much skill involved or shown, and why did you speed the video up? For the second one, for a montage it didnt show any sic or amazing kills just you runing around laying down and getting some headshots. But good try.
Please don't add music to an actual gameplay video. It really just made you look amateur. I didn't see anything impressive or any skill worthy clips. Literally just things that players do on a day-to-day basis ie: killing while stunned, dropping to the floor whilst getting kills, basic room clearing. And the one that really made me laugh, was the clip with modded controller getting kills with the M9. Tis laughable tha somebody would go so far as to have to actually use a modded controller to get kills with that gun.
Meh they are ok although 3 kill streaks are nothing compared to all my nukes so ya haha. It doesn't even match up with my 2.7 k/d or the games I go 90 plus kills with deaths under double digits butI play ground war so its two different playing styles. I killl everything and anything that moves basically. ;] Overalll nothing special.
No twas not, but, it was indeed my mistake. Which you corrected me on, which I respect. Although, you trying to provoke an argument isn't acceptable. Especially in this thread. If you have anything else to say, keep it to VMs/PMs. I don't want this conversation to take place in this thread.
thiswasnt interesting in the least to me. it looks like something anybody could do. not impressive stuff.
Just to let everyone know, this isn't me. Its my clan leader. And this is a GB match. If any of you have played GB, then you would know its nothing like a pub match. But this is just the first intro montage. And messing around in a match so there will be much better ones later on