An Infection map I made on Avalanche. The humans start next to a bunch of (mongooses? mongeese? mongai?), and must drive to the fortess which is on the other side of the map. The zombies spawn relativly close behind them so speed is esential for the vehicle part of the journey. Once they reach the fort, they must ditch their (mongooses? mongeese? mongai?) to go through the teleporter, which leads to the main part of the fort. There is a rocket launcher near the teleporter. Normal zombies have 300% speed, 100% gravity, 10% damage resistance, no shields and 300% damage; the Alpha Zombie has 25% speed, 100% gravity, 2000% damage resistance, 4x overshields, and 300% damage. Both types of zombies have swords and gravity hammers. Currently I have no pics of the map, and it is not on my file share yet. But I should have both done by tonight.
Read my reply in the other topic you posted, this map post doesn't meet the required standards. Look Here
why don't you just wait til you have the pictures before you post? you'll get a lot less annoyed people and probably more downloads. get the pictures first, then post
yes some people dnt like to wait, also, make sure to read this topic on how to properly post maps. In case u didnt :]