Intro You and 2 others must get in the APC and drive to all the VIP points. Enemies start out with regular guns(BR AR SMG Turret Shotgun and Sniper) after a minute and a half they get rockets and after 2 minutes they get lasers. Avoid potholes, enemies, sidewalks, and driving fast. Players 6-8 The APC Game : Halo 3 File Details Map : Halo 3 File Details
YouTube- Screenshots Tutorial - Major Halo 3 Forge Forums First, save your hi-res pictures from then go to Photobucket and sign in or create a profile. Then upload the pictures to Photobucket. After editing the pics, click on one of the pictures and copy IMG code and then paste it to FH.
Well this looks interesting. I have yet to see someone make an APC out of a warthog, wen i saw the title i was thinking about a scorpion or Wrath. Anyway, this map is amazing. The game looks like its gunna play out very well, and it looks like its gunna be so much fun for both sides. Whether ur in the APC or trying to stop it, it looks like its gunna b fun...ill delete some old maps to make space for this, and will definatly get 8 people to give it go.
I like the idea and the APC itself. When I tried to make one the armor fell right off. The forging looks a little bland, but I think it is the gameplay that this map brings that will be important.
Very unique concept. Although the forging could be improved, I agree with Ac3 that it's the gameplay that matters here. Just a fair warning to those who choose to DL: Drive very slooowly.
Big problem with this: the armor falls off!!! Doing extensive research into creating ricebuckets, the back armor falls off even at slow speeds, and the front armor stays to moderate speeds, but still gives little protection to the front of the warthog. The map shows no signs of merging or interlocking, and you even neglected to block off the crypt. Please place your screenshots vertically in the future so people need only scroll one direction, and place you map in the correct forum.
looks amazing, and i completely disagree with every thing pyro said. even though the armor falls off easily that is supposed to happen and that is why you drive slowly, the crypt is clearly an obstacle not any place that would benefit either side. i really suggest not fixing up the map all that much because even though i dont really know any kind of backstory, i can tell that it fits right in with the old beat down looking town, which is a plus 8/10
very nice i would like tyo know how to make an apc like that if you could make a tutorial for it looks like a nice little city map but couldn't you make the player count a little bigger so maybe the apc could have a escort otherwise looks really nice street potholes barricades looks like a lot of fun be back later to rate
It's a really good idea to make an armored warthog except that the armor falls off easily, the people in the warthog don't really have a chance if a team of people all jump on their warthog and beat them down and the forging could be better.