On avalanche or longshore, is there a way to colourcode the boxes or do you keep making them till you get it right?
i think you just spawn one, and when you start a new round it'll stay that color. Probably wrong though but that's what I've heard.
if you spawn one the color wont change im pretty sure you have to keep spawning boxes to get different colors actually im pretty sure longshore boxes change but avalanche doesnt
Start a new round as soon as you spawn, spawn a box, save and quit, start up again and it should be the right colour. Good luck, it takes the PISS!
I noticed while forging my Asset map, the box stays the same color as when it is finally spawned. Example: When you're done with the ghost merging process, and the block is blue, it will stay blue forever. Thats how it worked out for me ^_^