CoD style concept-need feedback

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EviLCorsaiR, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    Before anyone flames me for trying to recreate CoD-style gameplay in Halo, let me just say that it is still very much Halo and is still far from CoD, and that the initial testing for it has been really fun. For those who read this through and give me feedback, thanks. For those who don't read it and flame me, go die in a fire.

    Right now I'm working on a set of CoD-style gametypes and the maps to go with them. While I've got the basic formats sorted out, I need a bit of feedback from you guys.

    First of all, the basic way the gametypes work (only done Slayer so far) is AR and magnum start, with 300% damage (to recreate the low survivability from CoD-die in a few shots), 200% gravity (low jumping power), 125% movement speed, 90% shield recharge rate (because you kind of do have shields in CoD) and 110% damage resistance (to balance it out a small bit).

    My first question, is starting with a magnum overpowered? Two shots to the head with it is enough to kill, and for the more skilled players that's obviously easy to pull off. The BR, which has similar firepower in the gametype, is in very limited quantity on the maps (one factor in my map formats) and I'm wondering if the magnum should be similar.

    Second question-finish the game based on score or time limit? Currently the scoring is very different and more similar to CoD-10 points for a kill, bonus 2 points for an assist, assassination or headshot and 5 points for a spree-and that obviously ends games quickly even on a 250 point limit, so I'm wondering if it's better limiting it to something like 8 minutes with infinite points.

    As for the generic map formats, they'll contain quite a bit more cover to hide behind to make it a bit more balanced, with very few weapons placed. One concern is grenades-none are placed on the map but players spawn with two. Players can still pick them up from others, and they're obviously very powerful-so I'm wondering if it's better to start with no nades and place just a few on the map.

    Finally, I'm wondering if people like my 'UAV'-powerup idea. Each map has 4 custom powerups placed with 60 second respawn-two don't spawn at start-and act like a UAV, enabling a player's radar (disabled usually) with Enhanced mode and 75m range.

    I'm generally looking for some feedback-constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, and I want to know if people like the idea. If enough people like it then I'll develop it a bit more and make a full scale test sometime.

    Once again, thanks to those who have read it and who give feedback.
  2. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    If you want CoD, go play CoD. Don't bring it to Halo.

    EDIT: While re-reading the topic, it does seem like a good idea. You would probably have to go with infinite points for about 8 minutes, and have specific maps for CoD-Halo.
    #2 another orphan, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  3. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    The kind of response I didn't want, like I said.

    This is not meant to be a copy of CoD in Halo. It's meant to bring some of the good things that CoD does TO halo-to make it more fun. This is NOT a CoD remake, for god's sake.


    EDIT: After reading your edit, don't take offense if the above sounded a bit harsh (which it was meant to-lol). It is going to have specific maps, as the massive shift in how the gameplay works means that the weapon system requires a complete overhaul. I've already remade The Pit for it. And thanks for the feedback.
    #3 EviLCorsaiR, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Sounds like a fun idea. What about trying 200% dammage? Maybe that would be more balanced. I would have to try it to know. I really like the idea. I would play some games once you get it all together. Maybe turn off radar too. What about the BR? Most guns in COD have a scope.
  5. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Alsoooo :O

    I suggest an honor rule, like a certain sensitivity, as Halo has a percision that you can't make up for, because CoD has that bit of randomness that you can't recreate.
  6. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    I might try out 200% damage to see how that works-but the whole idea is meant to be that people die in a few shots.

    Radar is turned off-meant to be like 'hardcore' mode from CoD-but in every level there will be 4 custom powerups (60 second respawn) that turn on an enhanced 75m radar for 30 seconds for those who pick them up, UAV style.

    On second thoughts a BR start might prove pretty good. My fear was that it kills in two shots to the head, but that's kind of the whole point-as long as it's not SWAT overpowered. I'll try it out when I get a chance-my brother's hogging the 360 right now...

    Once again thanks for the feedback!

    Might be difficult to make people use a certain sensitivity, and while I've never played CoD on the 360 I can certainly see what you mean about the accuracy...Still, in CoD you can kill people in one quick burst whereas here it takes at least two BR shots to the head to kill them, which could make up for it. (I'm mostly a PC gamer, which is why I've never played it on 360)
    #6 EviLCorsaiR, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  7. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    It would be so awesome if you could incorporate kill streaks into it like give a team a sniper or a rocket launcher or any good weapon if they get like 5-7 kills in a row and make it the higher the kill streak the better the weapon you get. For example:

    5 Kills-Shotgun
    7 Kills-Sniper
    12 Kills-Rocket Launcher
    15 Kills-Missle Pod/Turret

    ...something like that but I don't know how that could work.
    I like this COD idea though.
  8. ShOWsTOpPa117

    ShOWsTOpPa117 Ancient

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    hi guys,im new here, but ive heard about this blueprint thing,but what is it:confused:
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, 300% might actaully work out. I would have to test it in a party to be sure. A lot of people use Stopping Power on COD. This might be closer to 300%. Again, if you need testers for the idea, let us know. I would like to see if it's fun or if it's just won't work. Again, could be fun. You could even try to make classes.
  10. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    This would be VERY nice, sadly it's simply not possible.

    Sadly, testing simply won't be possible until the New Year. While I'm not very busy for the next few days, the fact I'm in a GMT +3 timezone means I really can't test it exact on a weekend due to the majority of people being in the US, combined with the fact that this Thursday I'm on holiday for 2 weeks without my 360 means it'll have to wait a while.
    #10 EviLCorsaiR, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  11. pwnthezombie

    pwnthezombie Ancient
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    Stopping Power just makes it use one less bullet to kill, I don't think it's that strong...
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I feel that it makes a big difference when I am playing COD. So what do you think the power would be equal to in Halo?
  13. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    With stopping power in Modern Warfare 1 and 2, in Hardcore, you can get a one-hit-ko Light-Machine-Gun. It's pretty over-powered.
  14. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Sounds pretty good and well thought out so far. 300% damage seems the right amount to replicate CoDish style.

    A few questions:
    > Are you planning to make unique maps, not just changing weapons around, etc?
    > Have you thought about including a class system?

    Ideas for classes:
    > Sniper / Magnum
    > Assault Rifle / PP
    > Shotgun / Rocket Launcher (Low ammo)
    > Battle Rifle / PP
    > Machine Gun Turret (Low hp/shield modifier?) / PP

    I used the Plasma Pistol as the secondary weapon on any class that would be overpowered with a magnum.
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    CoD and Halo have such different types of gameplay that recreating one in the other is really impossible. That is to say: I just had a guy with a shotgun walk right past me on wastelands a few seconds ago, while earlier today, I was walking in the open and survived four sniper shots in halo (the guy wasnt so quick to shoot). CoD is all about hiding, and shooting before youre seen, however, Halo is about getting the most shots into the other guy. The factal order of the scenery in CoD is so high that people can actually hide. When making a CoD variant for halo, the focus should be on making a new Halo gametype not recreating CoD. Since the maps must be created specifically for the gametype, I suggest focusing on special aspects of CoD for design, mostly the Special Ops in MW2. Just recreating standard CoD gameplay in Halo is not only impossible, but pointless.
  16. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Perhaps you should use an SMG in a class, Im not big on COD, but that would make a good PPSH replacement, or any auto-gun .
  17. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    Initially, no, all the maps will just be Halo maps with changed items and weapons, however later on I might recreate some of the CoD4 maps in Sandbox. A class system would be nigh impossible to build, and with this much damage a sniper is a true power weapon-there will be a max of 2 on every map.

    As for the plasma pistol, I'm not going to be including ANY non-human weapons in the maps-if the magnum proves a problem then they won't start with it, simply put.

    I stopped reading here. I'm NOT TRYING TO RECREATE COD IN HALO. I'm trying to create a CoD-styled gametype-which is NOT the same thing. I wouldn't recreate CoD in Halo-why not just go play CoD?-so instead I'm taking the things about CoD that I and others like and putting them into a Halo gametype where possible. If you read the main post then you might understand better.

    There will be numerous SMGs placed throughout each map so that those who wish to use it can do so. I wish I could create a 'class' type start where you could pick your weapons but sadly it's just not possible with Halo.

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