Earlier today I was forging and ran into the object limit thing and wished I could put more stuff on the map. I had my no budget map so I was fine with money. Does anyone know how to go past that limit? I really want to know. Also I heard that you can make more than the object says your aloud to with a glitch like turn 20 double boxes to 30 double if you know that to I would appreciate it. -Thanks- Brakessk8
Kind of. If you switch to some lesser-used gametypes, there will still be a few things you can delete (Juggernaught go-to points, VIP go-to points...sometimes some respawn areas...), but you can't expect much.
Well, I have clear maps for stuff like that but It would be awesome to cover up the whole middle layer of sandbox to make it look like it's all dunes. ( One of the reasons I want it )
I've heard you can delete some of the money glitched objects that you don't plan on using and it'll give you some 20 more objects...that may have just been a rummer or I don't have my facts straight, but I'd try it.
Objects in the default sandbox do not count towards OLN, so using a stacked canvas will help. Otherwise the OLN cannot be broken without mods.
I've seen a mod with 100 walls on it instead of the usual 40 >.> Also, it's impossible to spawn a new object while modding, you can only replace objects.
I think you mean they DO count towards the OLN. Anywho, was your budget glitch canvas an OLN canvas as well?? Some money glitch canvases are not OLN canvases. I would suggest finding an OLN money glitch canvas. I know of several that are available. Once you hit the object limit, you cannot spawn more pieces. If you hit the OLN, either your map is very big, or you did not use an OLN to begin with.
No. The default objects on the original Sandbox setup DO NOT count as items, but they take up budget. The default objects are glitchy though, and are glitchy to interlock and ghost merge with.
Um, what are you talking about? The whole purpose of an OLN canvas is to save the default objects because they do count towards the OLN. Where did you get this information? I think you might need to look into this before you claim you are correct.
Wait WTF? You claimed that they do take up item space as well as budget. The original objects don't take up object space, but take up budget. Sandbox has 600 slots for placeable items, meaning you can put down 600 additional objects to the original objects. The only problem with this is that you only have about $350 worth of budget because the original objects still take up budget. Using the original object spawns though, saves a lot of object space as additional spawns and objective pieces still take up object space, while all spawns and objective pieces do not take up budget.
Trust me they count towards the OLN. Why do you think people have been making OLN canvases since the day Sandbox came out? The best bet is to money glitch certain items if you need more money. This info is like a year old. You guys should start using a search button. This thread has been done many times before.
*Facepalm* Okay. You know all the original objects on Sandbox? Those take up the money, but not the object count. So this is what it looks like with all the original objects: Object Space: 600 Remaining Budget: 350$ Remaining Say you delete 20 Blocks on the map. This is what it looks like now: Object Space: 600 Remaining Budget: 450$ Remaining So you plomp down 20 more blocks. This is what it looks like now: Object Space: 580 Remaining Budget: 350$ Remaining The point of the Stacked maps is that those objects are still the original objects, and do not take up Object Space. You may not have a lot of budget, but you can add 600 additional objects to those original objects. You can probably place down 300 additional objects to the original few, but you will run out of Budget far before you run out of space. That's what money glitched maps are for. Without it Money Glitching, this is what it would look like after you placed down those objects: Object Space: 300 Remaining Budget: 0$ Remaining After Money Glitching, this is what it would look like if you placed down all 600 objects. Object Space: 0 Remaining Budget: 0$ Remaining [Glitched] The map would be horrendously laggy though. Bungie stated that this is how it would pretty much work when Sandbox was announced.
Dude, please just stop now. You are mistaken. The default objects count towards the OLN. Why do you think people make OLN canvases?? Why is this so hard for you to understand. If you need more money, budget glitch some items. Maybe someone else can explain how the object limit works. :embarassed:
I'm pretty much you're mistaken, but let's not get in a big fight about this. I'm just restating what Bungie said about the original objects, that's why x Foman 123 x made those stacked maps.
<.< The point of the stacked objects from the original map is that they don't take up part of the object count. They still take up budget though. The stacked canvases are just the original objects moved out of the way, so you can place them down in your map later on.
Yeah, there are OLN canvas's that you can use. I know that you should try to search OLN in the search bar because i found one by MetaWaddleDee that was very well made. It takes objects that don't count toward the OLN original, so yeah, it's very possible.