Ok is it just me, or was the Halo Legends episode The Package one of the worst things I have ever seen. Here are my complaints 1. Learn to say gauss 2. If you going to user Master Chief get the original voice actor 3. Stay true to the story, the humans could not take out cruisers like that nor do they have active camo for an entire ship. 4. Although Master Chief is serious, he's not an asshole, don't make him sound like one. 5. Stay real, the spartans were sprinting down the ship in a matter of minutes, but these ships are the size of ****ING CITIES!!! 6. This is my least favorite of all, once he gets the package, a scientist that Cortana is based on, Master Chief and the Doctor quote some ****ing lines that have extremely dramatic importance in the games. "Don't make a girl a promise" is one of the most emotional moments in the game and she tosses it out there like a ****ing hello. God damn I hated that episode. The first two were ok, but this was just awful. I thought Frankie was there to try to keep this stuff under tabs.
In the books they run at what, it said 60 kilometers per hour? But regardless, you're right. You gotta love the hunters the size of a 4-story building.
I've only read Harvest and the first one where the spartans are taken as children and it has been a couple of years since I've read the one with the spartans
LOL Sorry, its there now 4. Although Master Chief is serious, he's not an asshole, don't make him sound like one.
Kelly, the fastest spartan, can run at 63 km per hour, the others it doesn't say but it is probably a little less than that. Those hunters did catch me a little off guard though. In anycase they should've stuck to the universe that we all know and love.
You now scarabs that are bigger than the hunters are made of the exact same worms.. While I do agree it seems a bit weird having really big hunters, I don't see why it couldn't happen.
I'm not sure if this caught anyone elses' eyes but The Package looked a lot more different than the first one (Babysitter).
It's like the Animatrix, there are different animators each time. I'm sure in the novels they had Spartans running at 60 km/h but I mean come on. Really? Isn't that a little much.
Naw just the side effect of genetic enhancements, As for the huge ass hunters, its extremely possible, but not plausible. Scarabs are made of the worms that make up hunters (lekgolo) Also in ODST their are bigger hunters (colonies of worms that didn't split) so i mean it could happen but it just seems pretty dumb. Also the humans, yeah wtf man can't happen, the closet cloak is on the ONI recon ships (about the size of a pelican).
These are my rebutles to Grif's points: 1. I think gauss can be pronounced like that. 2. This Master Chief is younger, so I can understand why he sounds different. 3. The ship belongs to ONI, it would not suprise me if they had a ship like that. 4. He doesn't sound like an asshole. He was reluctent to leave his team behind. 5. Spartan II's are not only strong, they'er fast, they can cover that difference in a matter of minutes. 6. The reason why she said all of that was to establish a better connection between Dr. Halsey, and Cortana. While I know you disagree with me, and I can respect that, I just wanted to clear a few things up. A real issuse should be about the color for blood for the Brutes, Elites, Jackles, and Grunts. They all had green blood. Grunts have light blue blood, Brute blood has a purplish red color, Elite and Jackle blood is purple. That was my only real issue with this episode of Halo Ledgends. I hope that they pay attention to those little details in the future.
WHAT??! Someone on the Internet disagrees!?! FLAME HIM!! Serious nao. To me, it seemed like they already had a scifi plot and then they made some attempt to tie it to the Halo Universe. Halo Legends has so far met my expectations. Which were very low.
The Doctor is called Catherine Elizabeth Halsey. And according to the books she should be much, much older and her hair should be brown. I'm with you on the fact that the 'new chief's' voice was annoying as hell, but you really can't expect them to hire Steve Downes, who would be quite expensive, for such a short episode. I was almost willing to excuse the 'magic camo' that the ship had as it could easily be explained by the fact that the Prowler ships already had primitive camo and they had already been experimenting with camo, as seen with the SPI armour. And then I saw the design of the ship... *Shakes head*. Look at all the UNSC ships we've seen in the Halo Universe, most of them are much more blocky and gritty and thats how they should ALL be. The most annoying part about the whole episode was how fast the 'space bikes' were able to destroy a covenant cruiser. In the books it took several shots from a MAC cannon and in this it took just a few gauss shots... I also hate how the bikes had shield when not even the SPARTANs armour should have shields at this point.
I agree as well with each and every point. 1. To add to the point we call it Ghass when it is in fact Gauss. We only say it this way because of how the game fiction say it. I use to say this in MM in halo 2 but no one knew what i was saying to I reverted to the popular way of saying it. 2. He is younger by how much I truly wonder but that added to both the fact how young Dr. H looks. 3. The ship is more of less a prowler even if it did not have a supper cloak like that it was so much faster to cartoon that aspect of the episode on they were able to stealth from the fleet. 4. Err maybe more context of how he being an Asshole would add to my reply. 5. Spartans are Blaming fast I imagine that the 200% speed setting in halo 3 drives from that ability. Fiction because we do not officially know what they are capable of but in this episode they say it is possible. Bungie didn't in any way break the story bible in doing this. Only set a speed record in making an episode. 6. My issue was you felt no in depth feeling of Dr. H in all of her lines were from previous halo's. If she got a single line that was her own it would be nice. The blood did bother me.... but it is space and not of the fluids have to be blood.
Ah, well I didn't actually see the episode. I was just reading through and say some discussion about the pronunciation, thought I'd ask.
One thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that this is when 117 was young, so why does he have Mark VI armor? The only thing that was entertaining was watching them sprinting down hallways, it was somewhat epic, but the voice did make me think that they **** all over 117's voice in Halo 3. It wasn't just the fact that the voice sounded terrible, it was that he talked so frequently which isn't John. It goes against John's entire character throughout the games- the lone wolf, hero of few words, silent but deadly (lol).
I agree the MC in the books is much more talkative character then this one. Here is an example... He often asked how he could play the situation he was about the encounter. "What happens if we fail?" That was very much like him... as well his converstation with Dr. H was very to the point. Longer than we are use to..but you have to realize MC isn't talking to a co worker ... he talking to Mom. He was often talking to (other spartans) as if they were his brother or sister. ... You have a better chance of being more open and expressing yourself with friends and family. The reason why you see little to non of this in the games is because ... MC was alone. The small blips of himself being shown were ..his "Thanks "to Cortana's "You look nice"... as well many other moments in the campaign. It was about 3 months after (Reach when he first Meet Cortana) That made this relastionship even possible expression. The reason why you do not see this in halo CE is because they only new each other for 20 days. Check the books... I'm right.