UPDATED: added 2 Brute shots,(replaced mauler with brute shot) and all territories are now touching. Pipes is my first a, and replaced plasma's with spikes. this is my first attempt at a conquest map. It played very well, the sniper wasn't too overpowering, and spawns were decent. It supports 4-8 players. Onto the map: 4x spikers 1x sniper- 1clip 180respawn 2x brute shots- 2 clip 90 sec respawn 6x battle rifle- default 2x plasma pistols- default 4x spike grenades- 45 sec respawn 4x magnums- default Red base( at start, red and blue can shoot each other through those fence walls) Red tunnel Mid ramp and sniper other side of mid ramp looking at mauler (now a Brute Shot) spawn through fence wall, and into red base. Blue tunnel Outside of blue base blue base The sniper doesn't overpower, and gameplay is fairly balanced. Each team can see into the others base through fence boxes. A strategy our team used was to have one team weaken the others by shooting through the fences, and capturing the territory. Testers: Xang Yang Kool19 zzmonkeys XIronman Snipeponi AoAxInstinctz I know i forgot some people, PM me your name and I will post it. Map-Pipes Gametype-Conquest v3
I like the looks of this map, I always like smaller maps. I'll take a look at this map and see how it plays out. You have a download. =)
hmmm the design seems incredible, i sure hoped you referred to gunnergrunts conquest book, anyways i will have to play to be sure, but i think some of the weapons should be swapped in location, again congratulations on your map
This actually looks very nice for your attempt at a Conquest map. Some of those hallways look a bit too compact though, but that's nothing a little playtest can't determine. I'll have to download and check out if it plays as good as it looks.
Thanks Thx for the constructive critisicm (did I spell that Right?) Yeah if you guys find any problems let me know, I'm prepared to amke a v2.
usually i don't like foundry conquest but this one is actually pretty good :\ i'll DL and try it out good forging keep it up man. -Im Apo
Oh no its a mauler! Haha maulers are not acceptable Conquest weapons i'm afraid (they can still one shot/beatdown people). But hey, if it works on your map I won't complain. So is this Conquest map asymmetrical? I can't really tell, but it seems like it. It looks pretty creative and interesting. I like how tight the halls are. That usually makes for some intense battles! Well I think you did an excellent job for your first Conquest map. And if you are interesting in playing this with a bunch of Conquest fans, feel free to join our B.net group. We have Conquest Customs every other Friday! Oh, and this map will go on the list of Map Nominations for Matchmaking. Only 4 days left!
Hey, this looks like a pretty awesome conquest map. It looks really long and narrow which suits more to my play style. Very nice job, and I think that the mauler would be fair.
Yeah thx for the comment. I made this pre- Ghost merging and will probably make a v2. I was just tired of seeing symmetrical Conquest amps and Wanted to see something deffernet, so I made something different.
Looks fun to play I like these kind of close-quarters conquest maps. Plus it's good to be seeing Foundry back in the equation.
Yeah I like foundry too, And the close quarters mean you have to work as a Team to progress forward. If one person goes in at a time, he will get p00ned. I'm glad you like it, And like I said, I will be making a neater v2.