Sandbox Aborasos

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    If you think the Wraith's are useless, you're doing it wrong. I would venture to say they are more important than the choppers.
  2. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    I must say, this looks like a great map. and you used many forge techniques...although I don't remember seeing a "Peanut butter jelly time" thread on the forums before...0_o
  3. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    i love the semi-permiable membranes!

    and the death flower is cool, i keep thinking it is just random cover cuz i cant see the kill ball but then i realize the killing power of that evil flower.

    i like the story too, it makes the map unique and i believe that this map will be a turning point for making tremor maps in the future.

    Senior Member

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    Thanks. The membrane was a very necessary inclusion. Without it, the wraiths were able to travel up the hill and shoot up into the base from below its walls. The angle was perfect for them. The membrane keeps them at bay while still allowing good flow for both the Mice and Tremors.
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Hmm... They must have moved that thread, I can't seem to find it either..

    Yeah, that thing is vicious, it got it's name for a reason. We played a game one time where I lured a chopper near the death flower, hopped off my goose, and used my brute shot to pop him into the ball of DOOM!

    Thanks, I have a bunch of creative energy, but very little time to use it these days.
  6. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Huh. I could've sworn I replied to this...

    Anyways, ****ing amazing, jizz-tacular, blah blah blah...

    But WTF is Tremors? o_O
  7. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    Lemme just say.
    This post looks beautiful! Good job on your first map post.
    Now, the map is incredibly well forged. And the backstory was entertaining and smart. You used some great techniques with the forging including blocking off parts of the map and leaving the rest of it guardian blocked( if that makes sense)
    The game was good, I personally just don't enjoy CTF type of games so it wasn't for me, but nice job anyways!

    Oops, sorry about saying good job on your first map post. I thought you were the other person that I had seen earlier. I DID play on this map though. Sorry about the confusion.
  8. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    this map is so fun..

    anyways, i was wondering if our clan, Ctrus Squad X-treme, could use this map for our clans first map every custom game night?
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    One thing that I am a little dissapointed about is the fact that you did not explain how to play the game. I know from past experience that the choppers cannot shoot. I am not sure what the wraths can do. Can they shoot?? Anyway, besides that the map was amazing. I really like the structures and both bases. We played last night and I had a lot of fun. How many players are supposed to be red? I guess it depends on the party size. If you have 12 should there be four or five red? Great work! Love the map.
  10. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Good questions Dream. The Wraiths ARE allowed to shoot, while the Choppers are not.

    As for the team sizes, it really depends on the skill of the players involved. There can only be a maximum of 6 on the Red team. For a game of 12 players, if there are some great mongoose drivers, you might want to play with 6 players on red team, whereas if you have a really coordinated team on defense (Red), you might want to limit them to 4 players.

    Because it's a game based on honor rules, try to make the teams fair so the game is fun for everyone.

    @whizzle: Yeah, please do!
  11. xJayx

    xJayx Ancient

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    the story for this map is so AWESOME! You haz best imagination evar!

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