I thought the Spartan III program was initiated just prior to reach being destroyed? Because ONI wanted Hasely to lead the project, she declined, reach was glassed, she was presumed dead.
You guys can discuss all you want, I never read the books and probably won't because I wouldn't find it as attractive as actually playing the game but I thought the trailer looked pretty sick. The armor was obviously what caught my attention the most, recon is overrated now, they better not bring it over into reach. I hope they don't change too much from Halo 3, I want my skillz to transfer over to Reach
So, from what you've seen of the engine, do you think that terrain is editable? I've got my fingers crossed! But it looks a little too angular for that, I'm thinking... Honestly, even a way to just generate random noise terrain would be awesome. Huge epic valley battles would be amazing
Well... we all know that we want that answer to be yes, but this was a CG cutscene. This is the CG engine unless they really beefed up the in-game graphics and **** looks this detailed. IF they did that I would be impressed, but back to the issue at hand. It's too early to say if there is terrain editor, building editor, etc. They haven't even announced if there is Forge yet, which could make us all heartbroken so I would hope they include it. Anyways, well find out how it all goes when we get more info, that is if they decide to tell us anything about it.
Not quite... Reading the dates on the book helps the most. Fall of reach only happens Weeks before the events of Halo 1. This makes the Halo series a small blip of time. 2531 is when SP3 program officially starts. Gall of Reach is 2552. That is tons of time for a Spartan III to grow up enough to fit into a Full Spartan Gear.
Actually, its not CG. If you notice the grass in the opening scene, its a dead giveaway. To quote the infamous WhyButterflyLiz Also, Shishka confirmed it here. Not pre-rendered, not CG. In game, real-time footage.
Apparently, the new canon from Halo Reach is overwriting the canon from the novel "The Fall of Reach". So, I guess that means that what happened in the book won't necessarily happen in the game. Is this correct?
I actually think I remember Bungie stating that the canon from the books isn't "official". I guess we'll just have to find out, and get to speculatin' like good Halo Fanboys.
in "the flood" the book that folows halo CE and gives variouse points of veiw like keyes* and Yap-yap anyhow it states that all but 3 spartan IIs were sent down to reach all but being MC, kelly or linda (i forget which) and i for get the 3rd EDIT:it might be the fall of reach i know noone here believes the books, but bungie might actually follow what is written so all im saying is, there is a strange possibility that they are Spartan IIs but i still dont get why they all ahev different accents, but i suppose for better gameplay
ive already said that, the 3 spartan II's were frederic-104, joshua-29(i belive) and kelly-58(also a guess.)
Idk why (even though bungie didn't author the books) they would deviate from the books. It makes more sense for all the Spartans to be Spartan II's with maybe your character being a Spartan III. Also i know why i got my time lines mixed up, in Onyx the original Spartan III"s were wipped out taking out that covi factory (except the 2 that help with Sigma company on Onyx?) So thats why i got mixed up i was thinking of the new company of Spartan III's which could be called Spartan VI's. Okay so that was in game not CG, we all saw the Eva head with the skull (Ghost from MW2) and the armor prem's look sick, alot of ODST esque helmets and gear. So what other premutations do you think they will have? That one Spartan was huge so can you assume you can edit your height/weight like Dragon Age and other games?
They didn't have the proper augments, they would essentially shatter their skeletal structure in Mjolnir armor.
Well then... they really did beef up the graphics engine. I'm impressed once again Bungie. With that said, possibility for a terrain editor might be introduced, still to early to even say. Well, the events that happen during Reach might be different, but the outcome will always be the same. Planet will be glassed no matter what. If you don't agree, remember that Buck in the final level of ODST said "They're glassing the planet! This is gonna be Reach all over again!" I'm sure Bungie wants to give a different storyline than the book, it sounds like something they would do.
I am not surprised that the engine is beefed up and I am not surprised that this is the in game engine. I mean this is Halo 4!! Let's just hope they put a lot of time into forge and custom game options. I am sure they will. They want this game to be as epic and we all demand it to be.
SPI armor is extremely close to Mjolnir armor. Kurt made sure to design it that way. I'm not saying he has exact armor as the rest of them but think of how similar they could look. With the age/Gene pool required for the Spartan III's I imagine that the first 2 generations could fit into Mjolnir or possible a mod variation that would make him seem more like a replacement. Your making a certain no to an ever possible yes. We are talking about a video game where the story and bend a few hard core understood facts. I'm in no way saying that Every one could wear Mjolnir but the fiction in Ghost of Onyx even mentioned one day every one could wear a similar Mjolnir armor one day. SPI armor was a similar idea. Thus my point still stands as a well bound possibility.
Squidhands (and his wife) just brought something incredibly epic to my attention. Go back and watch the premiere again, turn it way up, and perhaps not even look at the screen. Tell me that the commander's voice is not that of the one and only Brad Pitt...because it definitely is.
Is nobody else but me annoyed at the mixed armor permutations? I loved Nylund's image of lots of identical SPARTANs. I can understand the need for each SPARTAN to be easily identifiable but I'm certain they could have done it in such away that didn't destroy that image.