Woah, I just watched a video of Brink and now that's one of the games I want for 2010. Other reason I want it is that Bethesda makes amazing work and they're working on this. I am always impressed by Bethesda and the work they do. I haven't ever hated anything they made. Also, Mass Effect 2, Halo Reach, Bioshock 2, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2 and if it's actually gonna maybe come out this year, Elder Scrolls V. If they threw out Brink and Elder Scrolls V, Bethesda will be freaking rich in 2010.
Bethesda isn't the developer on the project, they are the publishers. They develop a lot of awesome games, but have recently published a lot of **** games. I'm not saying this game will be ****, because i think it looks awesome, i'm just pointing out that they are the publisher, not the developer.
Bethesda worked on Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls, they're amazing developers but anyone can publish a **** game. Look at EA... I think that's usually all they publish.
Doesnt have a release date yet, but boy am i looking forward to it. I read the whole 10 page article in Gameinformer.
Can I ask how is medal of honor a rip off of call of duty when the first ever medal of honor first came out before call of duty. And your point in saying infinity ward was started by medal of honor workers solidifies my point in call of duty is a rip off of infinity ward (although MW is bettter) My anticipated is: Lost Planet 2 Bioshock 2 Halo Reach Metro 2033 - pretty sure this is a single player only story like dead space and bioshock. A dead space 2 was announced but a release date wasn't so I'll stick it here.
anyone see the Dead Rising 2 multiplayer? It looks insane! Especially the one where you put chainsaws on your bike.
The Guys who started Infinity Ward left because they didn't like how their publisher was restricting them towards one subject. They went on, Formed Infinity Ward, and created games nothing similar to Medal of Honor. Activision allowed Infinity Ward to do what they wanted, allowing them to do the Modern Warfare series. Now, that EA is finding that Modern games are doing much better than the world war two companions, they're out for more money. It's not that the games are copying each other, it's that EA is just out for money. Infinity Ward enjoys making their games.
I know they develop games, Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time, BUT they are not developing Brink. So does DICE and EA. First of all, obviously developers make games for money. People work, for money. It's that simple. So saying EA is changing their franchise for money is true, but they realize that the WWII era is no longer one that attracts new buys, i.e. people DON'T LIKE WWII GAMES ANYMORE. Why would EA continue to make games PEOPLE DON'T LIKE. They switched to the modern era to appeal to the mass market. They are basically changing the time period of their games so more people will enjoy them. Sounds pretty good to me.
Also, IW made two WWII games before going modern, so they did indeed make games very similar to the MoH games.
REACH: Because the Halo series is pretty awesome. Bad Company 2: I loved the first, and want to see what kind new stuff they have for this one. That's bout it for meh.
Idk what the new call of duty would be heading towards, I know treyarch is handling this one. Don't cod games come out once a year?
Am I the only one excited about Nintendo games like Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda Spirit Tracks? Of course I'm also excited about Reach.
You forgot Dead space 2, and Rage. My list will probaly be, in order of buying them Bioshock2 Bad Company2 Skate 3 Crysis2 Dead Space2 Rage Halo Reach Medal of Honor
Yes, there is an untitled Treyarch Call of Duty title scheduled to release in 2010. I don't own a wii, but i must say Mario Galaxy (both of them) look pretty awesome. Yeah, i forgot about Rage, didn't even know it was coming out in 2010. I will add Rage and Dead Space 2 to my personal list. Really hope for some new info on Rage, especially since the last time i heard any thing new was maybe a year ago.
I'm looking for Mass Effect 2 for sure, as well as I may rent Skate 3, because I did enjoy the second one. This and Mario Kart could be reasons to purchase a wii.
I have seen some gameplay of the new Skate title, and i must say, i am very disappointed. The graphics have taken a hit, i'm guessing because this time around they are really putting a heavy emphasis on coop play. Meh
That is disappointing, considering when I was playing Skate 2 none of my friends owned it, and I doubt any of my friends will get Skate 3, so that's why I may rent it just to run through and do some extra skate challenges etc.