Halo Reach VGA Premiere Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hari, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    holy ****. wow. thats big news. its going to be like ODST except with more camo and more epic.
  2. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    i'm actually starting to believe more and more they truly are spartan 3's. They didn't really seem as organized or professional as spartan 2's even when they didn't have mjolnir.
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    to above, read this quote. Pretty sure their spartan IIIs
  4. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    i've already read through the thread, I'm just pointing something out.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Oh just from the sound of your post, I thought it meant you were more believing they are spartan 3s in that you thought they were spartan 2s still. Not that it solidifies your thoughts even more. My bad.

    ANyone see the picture of one of the spartans with a pistol on his side. It looks like the Halo CE or halo 3 pistol. hopefully the former.
  6. cheesenipsaregood

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    By the way, its not a trailer, just a clip of maybe the first cutscene
    and like kilron said, bungie wont base this on the book whats the good in that? who wants to know the ending
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    incase no one noticed, forge, drop the F for a J is jorge, which is the one dude :) maybe forge had a brother?
    also, here, in case you want to look for a one armed character.
    edit* OSHI-! that dudecould be james, his arm got melted from a hunter, and he died after the disaster at reach, if my memory is correct. therfore, there IS more than one possible spartan II, and the blue chick somehow reminds me of lucy, so i have a gut feeling its her.
    also, fred died after reach as well i think, so maybe thats him with the combat knife, because one of the books talks about him balancing a knife on his fingertip just before a mission, as always. or something along those line.
    anyway, have fun with those, my battery for the laptop is gonna die in about 5 min, so if i have a snowday tommorow, ill post more conspiracies.
    proof of james;s missing arm
    re=edit* ... OMFG we were talking about the girl with one arm!!!! GAHHHH i thought we were talking about some dude in the background. maybe it is kelly, because in the book, where she gets taken by hasley, it said she had major injories to her upper body.
    hopefully the last edit* dammit, she was injured during reach, not before, gahhhhx2
    #67 pinohkio, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  8. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    The low-poly mountains in the background are bothering me. I hope they fix it for the final build. Other than that, everything else looks superb.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    scince yeti posted, i feel the need to post this.
    that one spartan with the combat knife, is most likely fred, spartan 104, as it is said the at the time of the reach disaster, he was given the role to defend the power stations. his pelican was hit by AA fire and everyone was forced to jump or die in the landing.
    after landing, fred split his spartans up.
    Team alpha consisted of himself; possibly seen in the trailer with a huge ass combat knife, kelly-spartan 087, seen as the girl with one arm talking to the "leutenant", and spartan-029, joshua, who's status on reach is un known.
    Team Gamma consited of; anton, sparton-044, and two unnamed spartans.
    Team Delta, consisted of; william, spartan-043, and the wounded spartans from the drop.
    and finally, Team Beta, which consisted of the rest of the spartans (unnamed).

    team beta, along with josua were all casualties in the campaign to save the generators.
    if you dont want to read all that, or you want to get it from the source, click here

    basically, if you dont want to click or read, heres a quick rundown.
    ---Fred, Kelly and possibly Joshua are seen in the trailer, and/or are found ingame.
    in the trailer, fred has the big mettalic knife, kelly is the girl in blue with brown air that is talking, and Joshua may be the dude with the sniper as it says here, in the part about reach, approx. 3 paragraphs down.

    have fun discussing whilst i sleep :p
  10. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Not to be a scrooge or anything, but that trailer didn't do anything for me. I found it quite boring and essentially all it was, was two minutes of a preview of some of the armor perms in the game. Looks really iffy so far. Hopefully it will be good enough in order to bring me back to Halo.
  11. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Well that's because you fail good sir. The animation was incredible, and it's obviously giving us something to talk about since there's how many pages in this thread? Bungie said well before that it would only be the opening cinematic, you were expecting too much.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    just another update*
    the blue spartan is not kelly, it is infact spartan-320, Kat.
    on halopedia, it says "in the reach video game awards exclusize trailer, she can be seen using a robotic prosthetic that has replaced her right arm, wether she lost that arm during combat, or as a result of the augmentation procedures, is unknown.

    so that rules out the possibilty of kelly, so now, as it stands, there are;
    Fred, spartan-104
    Kat, spartan-320
    and possibly Joshua, spartan-029

    also, let it be know that jorge is a spartan, number 052 i belive, and carter is spartan 259, and the person asking about the new number 6, is infact a spartan, possibly joshua prior to his death, as he is identified as 'unidentified sniper (Noble Team)
    now for even more discussions, will post more as i find out, and as always, at each post there will be an update of what i know.
    #72 pinohkio, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I noticed a thread on Bungie.net.

    If you watch the lightning at the end of the trailer, they make a "7" formation, watch the trailer slowly when the Hawks are flying off into the distance and the blue lightning starts. See if you can find it.
  14. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    It's my opinion, I wasn't expecting anything out of this, I didn't bother to read this thread, look up other information, or anything of this matter. I'm not in any hurry to get this game, MW2 we'll keep me satisfied for a long time. I'm not everybody and nor do I have the same opinions as everybody.
  15. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Edited Bungie's version into the OP.
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    But what if we didn't want Bungie's version? =P

    There should probably be the one with subtitles so we can interpret it more though. (including what is being said over the radio)
    #76 Loscocco, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  17. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What I'm most excited about from this is:

    a) Feels grittier, more authentic than Halo 3
    b) Superior voice acting (also not just US mixed with the occasional excitable south african - heard eastern european accents on a couple of characters)
    c) Mo-Cap

    As a side note, does anyone else think the warthog looks like it has greater mass/is less affected by gravity? Perhaps vehicles will be more responsive and not feel like they're floating around so much.
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Please read in detail what was written. " ... A Spartan III..." A means singular.

    Putting together what everyone keeps saying about Tom and Reach and Onyx has been very difficult for me to put together. I'm looking at Halopedia for the answer. I think we are both right in the point that We will have Tom a Spartan 3 in the game. So much that I see him as our silent main character.

    Take it from dates. Reach happens on August 30th. Halo CE happens September 19th... The conflict on Onyx does not start till October 31st and ends November 3rd. That gives Tom a month to return from a Mission with Spartans on Reach seems possible.

    Halo: Ghosts of Onyx - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Shows a point to this. By saying "Tom and Lucy became Kurt's right and left hand, ....after almost taken away for private missions...., and helped Kurt train Gamma Company. "

    Take into account a few blips people keep jumping to. I can see that this is a much larger view of a game than most would realize. We been told that ODST's like Buck will be here in this game. Not to make a huge ordeal but Buck has seen the planet being glassed. I imagine that tying lines like how Spartan II's Know about the Pegasus event... because the training company of Spartan III's have not be promoted. These are in fact Spartans exactly like MC we all know and love.

    ... I'm so wanting to see a Mac CANNON PUNCH into a COVY ship I wanted it in Halo 2... SO reach is defiantly carrying a high chance of my most desired halo moment coming to life. (END fan boy moment)....

    To put all this together I think Reach falling with put everything together. WE seen all these games where you have players see so many different characters that everything can get confusing and mixed up. If bungie can make a game where everything comes together and solidifies the story to any Joe playing it and makes it click... that would be something note worthy for the Franchise, not just the geeks that read the books.

    The idea of Reach being Levels of small point of view of each blip of what is going on in this battle... would be jumpy but also interesting to see. Think you could play a level defending the Reactors for the Maccannons and at the end ... Die and be wiped to MC viewing it from space... HOPE Less to do anything to help is family down on the surface. In which you see him meet up with Johnson and setup how they take off on the POA to halo CE.

    I'm wondering how Tom would make it to Onyx because only one ship is said to make it from Reach (POA) but ... another-ship could have left randomly jumped as well but not been noticed... like a prowler which they were famous for doing.

    I think we have only to get excited and wait for more information.

    Think about this as well... Carter mentions to Tom "..I read your file ...No more Lonewolf..." Tom was a lonewolf because he pulled of an impossible mission in which he broke and ran for his objective. We also note that PEGASUS Delta is where Jorge looks at him funny and asks an even more odd question of I thought they all died. If he was a Spartan II Jorge would have known him by looking at him. Quite literally like in ODST, Tom is the replacement for this team. We should have picked up on this because it was right under our noes... Think about how odd it felt to see the Spartans talk and have emotions in this Trailer... I felt odd about it till I pulled this into a point of view that worked. If he is apart of a Spartan II team he would be a misfit but also an interesting way to bring up Spartan III's with out making everyone play halo go... Wait what did we miss.... but at the same time reach to a Deep cannon level. We only see so much emotions from the Spartans because we haven't seen them in Game talk so much. I felt like it was horrible at first. I was even pissed that a Spartan would etch a skull into his helmet... but looking into the idea that the Spartan could have see a DUTCH do a similar move. The spartan could have seen it as a cool idea and copy cat. Spartans are human...even if they do not look it I feel that once they had down time that they would also be creative. I was harsh ....but now I'm SEEING IT as something even more exciting. Even in the books the Spartans talked up a storm to each other, I'm going to be happy to see it in game as well.

    See you next FALL... puns...puns puns....
    #78 G043R, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  19. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    It only says it in singular form because it's referring the the character you're playing as. Just because it's singular doesn't mean every single other character in the game can't be a Spartan III.
  20. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    So ... what comes off as saying your possibility? I'm mentioning what was confusing in the premier. As far as we can tell all other characters besides Tom are Spartan II's. ... Even so if you have other SP3's ... where they would come from in cannon?
    #80 G043R, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009

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