
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i know it's a crappy image but i'm using it anyway cause I made it!

    +++Download Here+++

    Ascent is my first posted map that is not on foundry, although it was originally designed for foundry.i chose standoff because i was kind of bored of foundry and i thought it would be better with more room (plus i get to use death floor YAY!). the inspiration for this map came from LIGHTSOUT's heatwave, although they have similar features they are completely different (his is a massive CTF map mine is small FFA games). anyway the map it's self is a bunch of small floating platforms above the deathfloor outside of standoff, if you fall off any of these platforms there is no way back up but it gives you a chance to get revenge before you die. i used up all the immovable objects available so the map is as big as possible, whilst still being neat. There is interlocking but only when necessary, and the weapons placed on the map are not quite minimalistic, but there isn't alot of them (this is because one of my previous maps was criticized on weapon placement).
    on the map there is:

    3 BR's-45 sec
    2 SMG's-30sec
    1 Carbine-45 sec
    1 Needler-45 sec
    1 Brute Shot- 60 sec
    1 Shotgun- 90 sec (only 1 spare clip)
    1 Gravity Hammer-120 sec

    as for the Equipment:

    2 Frags
    4 Plasmas
    6 Spike Grenades
    1 Regenerator-60 sec
    1 Bubble Shield-60 sec
    1 Active Camo-120 sec

    These are all balanced, i chose a grav hammer over a sword because the hammer lets you knock people off the edge as well as smash their faces in and make them call you a power weapon *****.
    the layout of this map isn't complex, but it is hard to explain, but there are three main areas
    1) The Pit
    2) The Hammer Tower
    3) The Shotty Platform

    The pit is the lowest part of the level, it is basically just a flat platform with the brute shot and a couple of spikes with ramps which connect to the Tower and the shotty platform. The tower is about a double box high and (obviously) has a grav hammer at the top, there is a double box leading up to a bridge which holds a BR, then you go up through the second double box and come out on a bridge which holds the grav hammer and two plasmas, there is an alternative route which involves Brute shot/grenade/buddy jumping to the top of the first double box (where the SMG is) and then jumping on to the second one with another SMG and the regenerator (Note: you can jump ont the top of the boxes from the first bridge). the shotty platform is a small platform about the size of 6 double boxes which has a sort of "spire" made out of random junk, the shotgun is actually behind this on a slightly lower platform, with two spikes. next to the small spire is the bubble shield.
    the shield doors placed around the map are so that frag grenades can actually be used, i found that in testing all my grenades were bouncing off the edges so i placed the shield doors to keep the grenades in, they do not affect gameplay in any other way. there is no way to escape the map (that i know of), so, here are some pics!



    this is the best overview of the map i could get, on the right is the tower and just off to the left of that is the shotty platform (the pit is beneath the screenshot)


    this is the entrance to the tower and on the right you can see the pit.

    this is the tower.


    the shotty platform.

    these are the best pics i can get right now, i will update when i get better ones. so as always, please rate and download, and tell me if you have any problems/suggestions for this map.

    #1 Iv0rY Snak3, Apr 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  2. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    This looks like a good map. Yep. Good.
    Unfortunately, i don't think people will be happy with not having a way back up.
    Here's an idea. Put one man cannon on the floor so that people will battle for survival.
  3. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok i will see if it works, the ony thing is i only have to be careful about placement cause not everyone falls off in the same spot
    thanks for the feedback.
  4. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Looks clean, very well posted, and I like the image at the beginning of your post. Kind of catches the eye opening with something banner style.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i honestly didn't think that that pic was that good, i wasn't going to use it until the last second.
  6. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    I absolutely love maps with death floors, but like a post above said, it should at least have 1-2 ways back up, maybe even destroyable way up like pallets on reciever nodes/weapon holders.
  7. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ooooh pallettes, yea ok it will be like a stairway that leads up to the pit area, should you be able to knock them off?
  8. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    yeah, and with maybe a 10-20 sec respawn time, they could be destroyed by a grenade and wouldnt be there for a little bit.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok i have updated it, there is now a couple of pallettes that you can jump on to get back onto the pit, i also fixed the problem where you could get out of the map, and i should have some extra pics soon.
    i have also played a crazy king match with 3 players and it worked exactly as i wanted, there was no spawn camping, and you could counter every weapon.
    #9 Iv0rY Snak3, Apr 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  10. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    i can tell u put alot of effort into this map but u cant use it in the map pack
  11. Defiler47

    Defiler47 Ancient
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    Another idea would to be to place it kinda outside the map. If you could get it to work...
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i understand, but i wasn't going to put it in the map pack anyway
  13. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks awesome! Ioed Solaris so I will try this out and hope it plays well!
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yeah, it's supposed to feel vaguely like solaris but it plays quite differently.
  15. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Almost forgot to mention that I hate all of the advanced forge techniques I prefer using effective Respawn Setting and Castle in the sky.

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