Possible assault game type

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by kilamanjara14izback, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    So, I don't really know where to start with this gametype since things are still coming to my mind about it and it is overwhelming me with all of the ideas I have about this gametype. I will try to keep it as organized as possible and try not to ramble on a lot like I am doing right now. I won't know the correct gametype or if it is even possible to do it, but hell it is worth a try...

    Type 1

    Team 1(attackers/terrorist) will have 60 seconds(adjustable) to plant the bomb. While they are planting the bomb, team 2(defenders/swat) will be waiting in a room that has a door or teleporter that will open once team 1 plants the bomb. The thing is, is that team 1 gets to put the bomb in a number of different houses/buildings(lets just say 3). Once they plant the bomb, they will have to walk over a movable object a pressure switch that will be placed strategically somewhere so that they have to walk over it to plant the bomb. When they walk over the switch, team 2 get out of their room(after 60 seconds they can also get out by the switch going off automatically so they don't have to take so long)and team 2 has to find out where the bomb is planted out of the 3 buildings. They must defuse the bomb before it blows up and team 1 must protect the bomb from being defused before it blows up. Both teams have only 1 life so make it count. When the bomb is planted there will not be a waypoint over it(I am not sure if that is possible) so that the swat has to find which house it is making it more intense.

    Type 2

    In type 2 there are 3 houses again(doesnt have to be 3) and team 1(the terrorist) are right next to the houses, while team 2(swat) are a good ways away from them. The terrorist once again put the bomb in a house at complete random choice and swat must try to defuse it again. In this version, swat may be able to have vehicles that they may use which could change game play a lot.

    Type 3

    Same thing as the top 2 but instead of houses and stuff, it is a maze. This will help with the problem of there being no way to make the bomb have no way point if it isn't possible. The problem with this is that there won't be as much ways to protect the bomb.
    Thoughts about the map

    The houses in the maps will have to have there own differences but also all be the same difficulty to protect the bomb and to diffuse the bomb. One house may be very big and maze like so it is hard to find the bomb placement but there are not a lot of windows so it is harder to protect from outside. One house may be small which will make it easy to find but a lot of windows so it is easier to protect. One house may be medium with a few windows and entrances. ETC. Another thought is that the houses can have like 3 different places for the bomb to go in each house so that each room can have a bomb placed but swat doesn't know.


    Human weapons all around, same weapons for each team most likely, or find some way to make it as balanced as possible.

    If there are any other ideas please share because it will help out a lot. If someone knows for sure that this is impossible to do then say it and maybe we can try some alternatives to it or lock the thread if there are no alternatives. If there are any questions about this then please do ask away because I am sure that I have forgotten some stuff since I was so anxious to create this thread.​
  2. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Ancient
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    I made a map and game like that recently, The terrorist spawn in a small house with a bomb in it they take it over to a two story house and plant it in the basement with many fusion coils abound once they get it they win but since there is fusion coils around the swat can kill you easy, you go slower and have lower gravity with the bomb, so there is a prowler and two warthogs in the back of the terrorist base. It is very challenging if your playing with equal skill, but me and some friends were terrorist and detonated it pretty fast, Oh and everyone has 5 lives.
  3. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    The biggest difference between your game and mine are that your bomb is always planted in the same spot but in mine, there are variations. The bomb can be place in up to 15 different spots(I believe that is the max) making it more challenging for the swat.

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