ok i know this way is different and might seem harder but once you get the hang of it its way faster Steps 1. Go into edit mode 2. bring up the spawn menu 3. spawn your object then quickly press x (i mean very very fast) 5. now you should have the object menu while your holding the box 6. spawn the same object you just spawned 7. drop the object your holding 8. wait a second then delete it 9. make the box place at start never 10. redo steps 1-8 11. pick up the box from the second time 12. wait for the one from the first time to disappear 13. change the run-time minimum to the highest 14. now your done
First, 'murge' is actually spelled 'merge'. Second, this isn't very new. I don't use this method but I know guys who have used it for at least two months.
no, not this one you might be thinking about the up on the d-pad and x but this is not that, i found this glitch about two weeks ago
Well just because you found it out doesn't mean other people didn't know it. And this method seems to take longer than mine but still nice find.
Well regardless the way i use works fine, and for true precision geomerging the old technique of getting under the map is still the best.
I've known about this for months without realizing nobody knew this way. I efficiently use 2-3 different ways of dummying but i always end up back to this one for some reason. Oh and it's not a new way to ghost merge it's just a different method of dummying the object, your still ghost merging the same way.